Astrological magic: the influence of eclipses and their use to your advantage.  How to make a wish during an eclipse?  Wish for an eclipse

Astrological magic: the influence of eclipses and their use to your advantage. How to make a wish during an eclipse? Wish for an eclipse

Useful tips

Eclipses are not a rare thing. We can be witnessesfrom 4 to 7 solar and lunar eclipses per year, which are often unfairly viewed only in a negative way.

Eclipses are very important points of the year that can help change and improve your life. For eclipses to be beneficial, you need to know some secrets and use rituals that help you tune in to the right wave and attract what you want into life.

Sometimes we cannot even observe eclipses, since they are visible on the other side of the globe, but they are easy to calculate using astronomical methods. The fact is that everything in our solar system is subordinatedcertain cycleson which astrological knowledge is based.

Eclipses are associated with cycles Sun, Moon and Earth, and if there are cycles, it means there is confidence that at a certain stage some event will repeat itself. So it is with eclipses: they are repeated, taking into account special cycles, approximately once every 18 years. For example, the nearest solar eclipse will be observed on October 24, 2014, and the next exactly the same solar eclipse will take place in early November 2032.

Impact of eclipses

According to the observations of astrologers, astronomers and doctors, eclipses have a direct connection with human behavior and health. For example, at the time of a solar eclipse and an hour after it, people suffering from cardiovascular diseases often experience worsening symptoms of the disease: blood pressure rises, the power of blood ejection from the heart increases, blood vessels narrow, and blood begins to be distributed unevenly across the hemispheres of the brain.

For those who have health problems, especially heart problems, but also other organs, on days close to solar and lunar eclipses, you should not overexert yourself, expose your body to physical activity, and it is better to postpone sports altogether. Stress and stress can cause irreparable harm to your health.

Solar eclipse encourages people to embrace important decisions and committing irreversible actions. That is why during this period, especially in a week from the moment of the solar eclipse, it is very important to monitor your behavior, because you can make serious mistakes that cannot be corrected. However, you should not be afraid of these days, but perceive all events calmly and without offense.

Solar Eclipse 2014

Eclipse Astrology

At the moment of a solar eclipse, the Sun and Moon meet in one of 12 characters. That is why the mistakes and miscalculations that we can make at this time concern the sphere of distortions characteristic of this sign.

For example, during a future eclipse October 23-24, 2014 The Sun and Moon will meet in the sign of Scorpio. This eclipse brings out such base qualities of Scorpio as jealousy, the desire to achieve what they want at any cost, depression and enjoyment of their suffering. Don’t be surprised if you suddenly feel exactly these emotions at this time, even if in ordinary life they are almost not typical for you.

This eclipse may also activate crises and extreme situations, which will lead to some serious changes and transformations. This is especially true for those in whose horoscope this eclipse affects important points. For example, if you were born on October 23-24, then the eclipse will have a strong meaning for the coming year: there will be events in life that you cannot influence. But what kind of events - good or bad - depends on the indicators of your personal horoscope.

Those born on April 23-24, July 23-24 and January 23-24 of any year should also pay attention to this eclipse.

But it should not always be considered eclipse on birthday only on the negative side, even if the horoscope indicators leave much to be desired. This year you have a unique opportunity to change your life for the better, to get rid of the remnants of the past, from a heavy burden.

Such liberation may not always be painless, but in the end you will be able to understand that everything that is done is for the better. By the way, the events that will take place this year will be important not only for the present, but also for the distant future - for the next 18-19 years until the next similar eclipse - the entire cycle.

Also, if there is an eclipse on your birthday, expect that this year you will receive only what what they really deserve. This is the boomerang principle - what goes around comes around.

Solar and lunar eclipses

Rules of conduct during an eclipse

Many people are afraid of eclipses, considering them harbingers of bad news. And this is not accidental, because fatal events often occur during eclipses, which cannot be influenced and the course of which cannot be interfered with. However, eclipses do not always bring misfortune.

If you see an approaching eclipse of the Sun or Moon on the calendar, carefully analyze all events, which take place on the days of eclipses, as well as several days before and after them.

These events can have serious consequences that you will be able to see only in the future, and now don’t pay special attention to them. For example, you may have a strange dream in which you see an old acquaintance whom you have not thought about for a long time. After some time, this person may actually appear in your life and play some role.

The second important thing to consider is that things near eclipses can things aren't going at all like you expected. The week before the eclipse and the week after it are considered an unfavorable period, so postpone all undertakings and do not schedule important events, business meetings, etc. on these days. It is especially unfavorable these days to celebrate a wedding or open a company. All undertakings threaten to collapse and, at best, will bring nothing but disappointment.

Eclipses occur infull moon and new moon days, which are considered busy days of every month, but if eclipses occur on these days, then all the negativity of these days only intensifies. For example, during a full moon, as you know, people tend to get more angry and irritated. And if there is a lunar eclipse on a full moon,emotions can just run wild, especially for those who are highly dependent on the phases of the moon.

Quarrels and outbursts of aggression these days may have irreversible consequences. For example, you may offend a person so much that he or she simply stops communicating with you. Therefore, think twice before splashing out negative emotions on your loved ones and those around you.

Eclipse days are very favorable for various spiritual practices, which allow a person to achieve unity with nature and the surrounding world. For example, you can do yoga or other practices, meditate, and it is especially good to practice in nature, somewhere outside the city, if weather conditions permit. You can read prayers, ask for forgiveness from those you have offended (at least mentally), read books on spiritual development.

It's better on eclipse days avoid crowded places, it is better to be alone more, not to do anything serious, not to have surgery, not to make large purchases.

Using eclipses

It is known that it is not recommended to start new things during eclipses, but for planning and attracting what you want into your life these days are perfect. To better tune in to the desired wavelength, you can use certain rituals.

First, look on the calendar when the next one will be. solar or lunar eclipse and start preparing for it 3 days in advance. Try to fast in the days before the eclipse: you need to give up meat, nuts and seeds, don’t communicate with people you don’t like and waste as little energy as possible. The purpose of this is accumulation of the necessary energy and internal motivation.

A few hours before the eclipse, it is better to stay inall alone, and an hour before it, take a contrast shower, turn off all phones, and don’t talk to anyone. You should put on clean clothes after washing, light a candle, lie on the floor, relax your body and focus on the thought and desire that excites you.

You need to imagine your desire very detailed and very accurate. It is best to imagine not only the process of performing it, but also think of it as fait accompli. For example, you want to attract more money into your life. Imagine not only how you get them or how you earn them, but also how you already have them and how you feel, how you spend them and what emotions you experience.

After the eclipse, you should finish your practice, trying not to fall asleep. An hour after the procedure, you should take a contrast shower again and change into clean clothes. On this day you need continue to maintain inner peace, communicate less. You can’t tell anyone about the practice and generally try to forget about it after that.

Solar lunar eclipse


During lunar eclipses It is best to attract material wealth and health. At this moment, you seem to be setting yourself up to get rid of poverty and want, or from illnesses and illnesses or bad habits.

During solar eclipses It is best to make wishes regarding improving relationships with someone, to correct your own character traits and behavior. This is the time to bring happiness into your life.

Wish should concern you directly, and not one of your loved ones or friends. The secret is that the ritual allows you to get something for yourself, and not for another person. At the same time, only real desires that are truly important to you are realized, desires that come from the soul.

When starting to practice, you must be very confident in the wording, as wishes can come true not like that at all, as you want. For example, if you want to lose weight and become more attractive, you should imagine not only the end result, but also how exactly you achieve your goal. After all, you can lose weight even after extreme stress and serious personal losses, or you can simply find the right program and diet that you really like.

Fulfillment of desires happens literally, so if you haven't taken everything into account well enough, your wishes will come true with unpleasant surprises, like in the old Hollywood movie " Blinded by desires».

In fact eclipses do not fulfill wishes, like the genie from Aladdin's lamp, this is done by the person himself, who uses astrological magic to form an intention and make it come true.

Hello, dear MK moms!

Today is January 31st and this is the day of the Lunar Eclipse. I want to dedicate my blog to this topic. I remember that I had to write according to plan about the babies who will be born in the summer, but I will write about this at the end of the week. And today about the essentials - about what the eclipse brings and how best to live this day.

The eclipse is on January 31 and its peak will be in the middle of the day (15:30 Latvian time). Since it will occur on the Leo-Aquarius axis, these signs will be primarily affected, but not all Leo and Aquarius, but only those in whose horoscopes the degree of the eclipse coincides with the position of the planets. You can learn about this in more detail if you build your natal chart - your personal birth horoscope. You can do this yourself on Internet services for free. If you can make your own map, see if you have planets at 10-12 degrees Leo or Aquarius.

I will emphasize this idea once again: the eclipse will directly affect only those (!) who in their personal birth horoscopes have significant planets or important astrological points (house cusps) in the zone from 10 to 12 degrees of Aquarius, Leo, Taurus and Scorpio. For the rest, the eclipse will act indirectly - i.e. It’s okay, but you will feel the general influence of the energy of the eclipse, your physical well-being may become somewhat worse, your emotionality will increase, and you will come into contact with more intense (than usual) reactions of other people.

If you were born exactly from January 30 to February 1, then we can definitely expect that this year an important event related to your family will happen in your life, the event can be very good.

What is the eclipse about?

The axis of the eclipse of January 31 denotes the desire for recognition, the need for victory, involvement in desired social activities (competitions, projects), as well as vibrant self-expression in teams. Therefore, this can become an important reference point for social aspirations, hobbies, and even for the realization of creativity or the needs of your soul. Great for actively developing projects that are important to you that you plan to implement in a few months.

Eclipse as a way to fulfill desires

Many of you have heard that the energy of eclipses in astrology is usually used in the traditions of astromagic for personality transformation, as well as to increase the likelihood of the fulfillment of a cherished desire. If you have a very important desire, then the energetic practice of fulfilling desires on the day of an eclipse may be suitable for you. I will offer you a simplified version of astromagical practice, which I have known for many years and which I really like.

  1. An hour before the eclipse, you need to relax and be in complete silence, not talk to anyone. It is advisable to take a counter shower of hot and cold water and be sure to remain silent the entire time. After a shower, let the water dry on your body, do not dry yourself.
  2. We dress in pre-prepared clothes that are fresh after washing. The clothes are loose, not tight, you can soak them in advance or fumigate them with incense.
  3. We take a relaxed body position (preferably lying down), be sure to head to the East.
  4. In this pose, we concentrate as much as possible on the thought of our desire so that only this thought is in our head. First, we formulate our desire as a personal affirmation on our behalf. Your desire should not concern the actions of another person or relate to another person - you can form an attitude for yourself and on your own behalf. Secondly, it is necessary to focus on the result, and not on the process of achieving the desire. Thirdly, the desire (goal) must be visualized as specifically and realistically as possible. The more accurately you present in detail the outcome of the realization of your desire, the more accurately it should be realized. We keep this thought in the focus of our attention, while relaxing the body as much as possible. We generally spend time like this for about an hour after the peak of the eclipse energies. Many authors call this state of wakefulness similar to lucid dreaming, but falling asleep is not recommended.
  5. An hour after the peak of the eclipse energies, you get up and exhale, as if symbolically ending the meditation; it is advisable to take a contrast shower again. After taking a shower, you can talk, but you need to maintain a state of inner silence and peace for another couple of hours.
  6. You cannot discuss with anyone what you did during the eclipse.

I sincerely wish you a successful experience of the energies of the eclipse and no less positive consequences for all of us!


Astrologer, head of the Astrodata school of astropsychology

Anzhelika Zhuravskaya

Many of us have paid attention to increasing tension near the dates of eclipses. Information reports of these periods are filled with reports of natural disasters, catastrophes or worsening conflicts. Dramatic changes can occur in our immediate environment. Knowing the “seasons” and dates of eclipses, we can be more conscious of the events in our lives and the lives of our loved ones, understanding their significance in time.

During these periods, you should carefully monitor all current situations, meetings and new ideas.

We must remember that every event that occurs during an eclipse is more important than we might initially assume. An eclipse emphasizes the significance of events and the seriousness of its consequences. Ideas, proposals, projects and people who enter our lives during the “season” of eclipses become part of our lives for a long period.

Everything that happens a week before the eclipse is endowed with a completely different quality than what happens a week later.

Events that take place a week before an eclipse can very rarely be coordinated with how they were planned. They get out of control, acquiring used O greater scope and greater speed.

Everything that happens on the day of the eclipse itself is endowed with fateful significance and is almost beyond human control. During an eclipse, we find ourselves aware of information that could have been made available to us before, but for one reason or another did not reach our consciousness. Therefore, important decisions should be made in the week after the eclipse.

Solar Eclipses stimulate a crisis in consciousness and change our internal attitudes.

Bringing events that we did not consciously cause, dictated by external circumstances.

Here situations caused by karmic predetermination are realized.

Lunar eclipses that occur two weeks earlier or later are more related to events caused by our thoughts and feelings.

They indicate the area of ​​everyday life where changes caused by a solar eclipse will occur.

If a lunar eclipse precedes a solar eclipse, the situation in a certain area of ​​life reaches a critical point, requiring reorganization and pushing for rethinking and searching for a new approach to the time of the solar eclipse. If a solar eclipse is followed by a lunar eclipse, what will be laid down at the beginning of the cycle will inevitably appear during the next lunar eclipse— new conscious attitudes will be realized or denied in situations that will determine the next stage of life.

A solar eclipse opens a new life cycle:

It highlights matters that require urgent attention and brings the beginning of something new.

A new perspective may appear on the horizon, and something important will begin to lose its former significance and move away.

A solar eclipse gives events an impetus that can be felt in our personal affairs for several years. “Absorption of light” makes this period unpredictable, causing a feeling of uncertainty that will be revealed later. At this time, the luminaries are in conjunction, their influences are mixed, and the potencies of the new cycle are not fully manifested.

Therefore, you need to be alert and not rush into new projects, no matter how promising they may seem.

Don't make the final choice or make the final commitment.

If the eclipse leaves the choice up to you, it is better to postpone all important decisions until a week after it. At this time, you do not have all the information, and you will have to pay for haste now later.

Unlike a solar eclipse, lunarThis is the completion of some stage in our life. The luminaries have reached opposition - after passing this point, the Moon begins its return journey to the Sun.

A lunar eclipse is a time of maximum illumination, the manifestation of questions and problems.

This is a crisis as a result of which something will be radically changed or abandoned. One way or another, the circumstances will no longer remain the same.

This is a time when relationship issues, legal disputes and open conflicts come to the fore. It is the most public and public time of the year, revealing information that may have remained hidden for a long time. Information spreads instantly, becoming public knowledge. The secret can become clear.

If you have been busy looking for someone or something, you may find it during a lunar eclipse.

It brings long-term projects and tasks to fruition. It can bring a long-awaited meeting or put an end to a long-pending breakup. This is a time of public scandals, termination of contracts, or, on the contrary, mergers and unification of parties. Although conflict, clarifying the positions of the parties, is often a way to solve a problem, you should still remember that at this time the emotional intensity is too strong, so beware of making spontaneous decisions. What is destroyed during this period is difficult to restore. Elena Zimovets

November 14, 2012 - new moon and solar eclipse. A significant day. Don't forget to make a wish:

If you or your family are sick, wish them health and recovery.

On this day it will be especially effective to start a diet and cleanse the body.

Wish yourself a good job or career. Just not at the expense of others, but through your own efforts achieve your plans.

Money growth and good earnings are possible if you really want to and On November 14th, wish yourself good luck.

Solar eclipse - time to adjust fate:

You can get rid of negative programs, or you can, on the contrary, introduce a negative program into your life.

So watch the words you say

Thoughts on this day.

Prepare affirmations for this day in advance. What you pledge will come true.
If you need to resolve a financial issue, forget about the phrase: “No money.” Otherwise, they definitely won’t exist.

If you have debts, then the period of a solar eclipse is the best time to get rid of them: pay them off on this day. To repay a debt at this time means to get rid of what interferes with material well-being.

A solar eclipse is a great time for self-improvement: you can get rid of negative habits and negative character traits.

Secondly, these days are for reflection. Think about what you want to get rid of. You need to put your thoughts down on paper.

Half an hour before the eclipse, light a candle,walk with her around the apartment, reading a prayer. Walking around the apartment is done clockwise. Stand in the middle of the room. Looking at the candle flame, say everything you want to get rid of.

15 minutes before the eclipse, take a contrast shower. After your shower, lie comfortably on the floor with your head facing north.

Closing your eyes, relaxing, imagine negative programs in the form of mental images (symbols): complexes, habits, fears, phobias... Listen to yourself.

Heaviness in the abdomen is fear, in the throat is resentment. If you manage to see and feel the clamps in your body, send them love and gratitude.

Send them until they begin to change - become light and clean. Once again thank the Universe for its help.

The first lunar day after a solar eclipse is a time to make wishes. Sit in front of a candle. Make a wish list.

There should be few desires - the most important for you, and in this period, specifics are important: how you plan to fulfill the desire, the timing of its fulfillment.

You should end up with something similar to a business plan. Choose desires that can come true within a year. By making such a plan, you declare your intentions.

A solar eclipse introduces into our lives situations from the outside that are practically independent of us - all we can do is react to them correctly, choosing this or that segment of life’s Road as our reaction.

The period near eclipses is the time of manifestation of fate and fate, when everyone gets what they deserve: retribution or retribution.

Eclipses can givecompletely meaningless events if people don’t know how to work with them correctly. And they have a positive effect only on serious people, revealing their mistakes or promoting success.

The result depends on the positive or negative karma we have accumulated by this time.

In the orbit of eclipses (± 3 days) Not It is recommended to start new businesses, go on long trips and travels, and hold serious events.

You should be more careful in everything, because during eclipses, especially lunar ones, logic becomes dulled and the emotional background of perception of everything that happens increases.

A solar eclipse falling on any of the planets in a personal horoscope, affects a person directly and manifests itself event-wise according to the functions of this planet, making a person the main character and changing him from the outside. In this case, the background of the manifestation is the house of your personal horoscope, which is affected by the eclipse.

When a lunar eclipse hits a planet in your personal horoscope a person does not so much manifest himself according to the functions of this planet, but rather becomes a witness to the events taking place around him, with which this planet is connected. All this leaves a deep imprint on a person’s subconscious.

The heaviest are considered to be eclipses that fall on the “planets of misfortune” - Mars and Saturn. At the same time, women endure an eclipse on Saturn more easily than on Mars, and men, on the contrary, are easier on Mars and heavier on Saturn.

Eclipses near the “planets of happiness”, Venus and Jupiter, are not so terrible, and if the status of the planets is good, they can even give fatal luck. An eclipse on Venus is more favorable for women, and an eclipse on Jupiter for men.

Eclipse on Mercury considered strange, ambiguous and more concerned with events around a person. When Mercury is good, you are rewarded a hundredfold (you receive from others), when Mercury is evil, you pay your bills (you give to others).

Eclipse on Uranus is considered “bad” and is associated with restriction of freedom, failure of plans and initiative.

Eclipse on Neptune, at best, promotes the discovery of abilities, at worst, the activation of human vices (alcohol, smoking, drugs, etc.). The eclipse affects women better than men. A lunar eclipse is more favorable than a solar eclipse.

Eclipse on Pluto at best, it can carry a person on the crest of a wave (lunar eclipse), as well as allow it to manifest itself independently (solar eclipse).

Watch what happens to you near eclipses and you will see your problems.

Remember that events occurring or being laid during eclipses are long-term in nature, because Saros lasts 18 years!

Those people who celebrate the solarium near an eclipse need to be especially vigilant.(± 3 days), since the events (good or bad) laid down on these days will have an impact throughout the coming year, until the next solarium.

Moreover, if the eclipse occurs within three days after birthday, it imposes fate on all your past deeds, calling for an answer, while the eclipse occurs before the birthday marks all your new endeavors with the seal of fate.

In order to find out exactly what issues in your life may be affected in the orb of a particular eclipse, pay attention to that house of your horoscope, into which the eclipse is projected in your individual horoscope, and “put things in order” in advance according to the functions of this house. An eclipse will manifest itself much more strongly if it hits a significant point in the horoscope, and the aspects coming from it will show the resonance of events.

The day of a solar eclipse has strong energy, so the magical rituals performed will bring extremely good results.

On the day of the eclipse, it is not recommended to start anything important, because... An eclipse enhances the slightest negative vibration factors of the day on which it occurs. People with mutable zodiac signs are most sensitive to the influence of an eclipse: Virgo, Pisces, Gemini and Sagittarius. It will be felt especially strongly by those whose birth dates fall on September 8-18 (Virgo), March 6-16 (Pisces), June 7-17 (Gemini), December 8-18 (Sagittarius).

The practice of a solar eclipse makes it possible to realize and free yourself from internal fears and negative character traits (for example, laziness, irritability, etc.), which slow down the movement of life and interfere with spiritual development.

During a solar eclipse, it is very good to sum up the year, to understand your feelings, where you could be wrong, who you offended, what you are afraid of, what you are worried about. If you don’t have a relationship with someone, then imagine him in your imagination and listen to your feelings: what in you does not accept this person, where in yourself you feel a barrier, fear or irritation. Write down these feelings on paper and feel why you were given this relationship, what they teach. Try to treat this person as a teacher, thank him for the lesson and forgive him with your heart. And then your relationship will be resolved in the best possible way.

The moment of a solar eclipse is unique. During this period, you can not only get rid of negative situations and feelings, but also lay down a program for fulfilling your desires for the whole year. Your desires may relate to love, health, work, business, money, real estate and anything else that you want to attract into your life, start, develop or promote to a higher level. It is advisable to remember that your intentions are practical and realistic. Also take into account the interests of other people so that your desires do not conflict with them. In addition, this day is suitable for meditation, reflection on existing situations and prospects, and planning for the future.

Ritual for a solar eclipse

Take a contrast shower (men need to start and end with hot water, and women - cold, change the water temperature 5-7 times). 10 minutes before the solar eclipse, you need to lie with your head to the east and relax, close your eyes and imagine how fears, complexes and other negative programs that you want to get rid of come out of you. At this time, you must present them one by one in the form of images, symbols (for example, fear - in the form of a stone, resentment - as a lump), and send to this image the energy of your love and gratitude for their lessons in your life. Look and feel what happens to them, how they change, become light and pure creatures or symbols. And then be sure to fill the empty spaces in yourself where these feelings were with your love.

Magic technique of the first lunar day during a solar eclipse

On the first lunar day, the lunar month begins.

After working through the solar eclipse for the first hour, sit in front of a candle, take a blank piece of paper and write down what you want for the year.

Write yourself a plan for the year. Just write specifically (by what date). Imagine the future as already happening. After each performance, say your wish out loud and write it down on paper in the present tense. The solar eclipse brings the grounding energy of Virgo, helping to see things from a practical point of view, so it is advisable to write plans for the year taking into account all the details, analyzing all the pros and cons.

Believe me, you will definitely have new opportunities to realize your plans.

The first lunar day is best spent at home. Try to be tolerant of other people's opinions and not take anything to heart. Take everything calmly and maintain a sense of humor. Any action you take on this lunar day affects the fulfillment of your desires throughout the entire lunar month. Any quarrel or conflict can delay or even cancel the realization of your desires.

It is advisable to give up vigorous activity. It is undesirable to undertake anything important, including making large purchases, concluding financial transactions, holding important meetings and negotiations, or going on trips. If possible, reschedule all this for another time. Try not to receive guests or go to visit. It's better to stop communicating with people you don't like, and also avoid large groups. Try to think more about pleasant things, you can do something creative or anything that gives you pleasure.

On this day it is best to refrain from getting married. Sex is also undesirable - it can lead to serious diseases of the genital area.

It is very good to meditate on this day. To attract the positive energies of Virgo during meditation, you can use stones of this zodiac sign, for example, agate or jade.

Meditation on a candle

Sit in a quiet place.

Light a white candle, close your eyes, relax, and be positive. Imagine as realistically as possible how your next year will go. Imagine what you want to get as if you already have it. For example, if you need to buy an apartment, imagine that you already live in it.

After the performance, lovingly release your image into the Universe.

I also draw attention to this day for people whose Life Path Number is three. For them, the first lunar day is also the Day of spiritual growth.

For example, if you were born on January 3, 1970, then your Life Path Number is: 3+1+1+9+7+0=21=2+1=4, i.e. NVP = 3.

On the Day of Spiritual Growth, you should be especially attentive to changes, conversations, and unusual events.

1. Treat this day as your friend and teacher.

2. Remove all evil thoughts and unpleasant events from your consciousness, and look for a good beginning in everything bad.

3. Pay attention to the people you meet and the thoughts they evoke in you. You have a chance to find exactly what you are looking for.

4. Remember - everything that you put into a new cycle will return to you in the subsequent Days of spiritual growth.

Thus, getting rid of all evil on our Days of spiritual growth, we correct our past mistakes, set ourselves up for harmony with the Universe, and on the first lunar day this is very important.

HOW TO CORRECTLY MAKE A WISH DURING AN ECLIPSE? Eclipses give us the opportunity to change our lives and realize what we want. But with our desires we can make the situation worse. There are rules that must be followed when making a wish during an eclipse. If you don't know how to concentrate, then nothing will happen.