Where scientific works are used in a sweet tooth.  Slastenin V.A.

Where scientific works are used in a sweet tooth. Slastenin V.A.

Textbook aid for students higher ped. textbook institutions / V. A. Slastenin, I. F. Isaev, E. N. Shiyanov; Ed. V. A. Slastenina. - M.: Publishing Center "Academy", 2002. - 576 pp. The textbook reveals the anthropological, axiological foundations of pedagogy, the theory and practice of the holistic pedagogical process; organizational and activity bases for the formation of a schoolchild’s basic culture. Characteristics of pedagogical technologies are given, including the design and implementation of the pedagogical process, pedagogical communication, etc. Issues of managing educational systems are revealed. The authors are laureates of the Russian Government Prize in the field of education.
May be useful for teachers and educational system managers. Introduction to teaching.
General characteristics of the teaching profession.
The emergence and development of the teaching profession.
Features of the teaching profession.
Prospects for the development of the teaching profession.
Specifics of working conditions and activities of rural school teachers.
Professional activity and personality of a teacher.
The essence of pedagogical activity.
Main types of teaching activities.
Structure of pedagogical activity.
The teacher as a subject of pedagogical activity.
Professionally determined requirements for the personality of a teacher.
Professional and pedagogical culture of the teacher.
The essence and main components of professional pedagogical culture.
Axiological component of professional pedagogical culture.
Technological component of professional pedagogical culture.
Personal and creative component of professional pedagogical culture.
Professional formation and development of a teacher.
Motives for choosing a teaching profession and motivation for teaching activities.
Development of the teacher's personality in the system of teacher education.
Professional self-education of a teacher.
Fundamentals of self-education for pedagogical university students and teachers.
General fundamentals of pedagogy.
Pedagogy in the system of human sciences.
General idea of ​​pedagogy as a science.
Object, subject and functions of pedagogy.
Education as a social phenomenon.
Education as a pedagogical process. Categorical apparatus of pedagogy.
The connection between pedagogy and other sciences and its structure.
Methodology and methods of pedagogical research.
The concept of the methodology of pedagogical science and the methodological culture of the teacher.
General scientific level of pedagogy methodology.
Specific methodological principles of pedagogical research.
Organization of pedagogical research.
System of methods and methodology of pedagogical research.
Axiological foundations of pedagogy.
Justification of the humanistic methodology of pedagogy.
The concept of pedagogical values ​​and their classification.
Education as a universal human value.
Development, socialization and education of the individual.
Personality development as a pedagogical problem.
The essence of socialization and its stages.
Education and personality formation.
The role of education in personality development.
Factors of socialization and personality formation.
Self-education in the structure of the process of personality formation.
Holistic pedagogical process.
Historical background for understanding the pedagogical process as an integral phenomenon.
Pedagogical system and its types.
General characteristics of the education system.
The essence of the pedagogical process.
The pedagogical process as a holistic phenomenon.
Logic and conditions for building a holistic pedagogical process.
Learning theory.
Learning in a holistic pedagogical process.
Training as a way of organizing the pedagogical process.
Training functions.
Methodological foundations of training.
Activities of teachers and students in the learning process.
Logic of the educational process and structure of the learning process.
Types of training and their characteristics.
Patterns and principles of learning.
Patterns of learning.
Principles of learning.
Modern didactic concepts.
Characteristics of the basic concepts of developmental education.
Modern approaches to the development of the theory of personal development training.
The content of education as the basis of the basic culture of the individual.
The essence of the content of education and its historical nature.
Determinants of the content of education and principles of its structuring.
Principles and criteria for selecting the content of general education.
State educational standard and its functions.
Regulatory documents regulating the content of general secondary education.
Prospects for the development of the content of general education. Model for constructing a 12-year secondary school.
Forms and methods of teaching.
Organizational forms and training systems.
Types of modern organizational forms of training.
Teaching methods.
Didactic tools.
Control in the learning process.
Theory and methods of education.
Education in a holistic pedagogical process.
Education as a specially organized activity to achieve educational goals.
Goals and objectives of humanistic education.
Personality in the concept of humanistic education.
Regularities and principles of humanistic education.
Nurturing the basic culture of the individual.
Philosophical and worldview preparation of schoolchildren.
Civic education in the system of forming the basic culture of the individual.
Formation of the foundations of the moral culture of the individual.
Labor education and vocational guidance of schoolchildren.
Formation of aesthetic culture of students.
Education of physical culture of the individual.
General methods of education.
The essence of education methods and their classification.
Methods of forming the consciousness of the individual.
Methods of organizing activities and forming the experience of social behavior of an individual.
Methods of stimulation and motivation of individual activity and behavior.
Methods of control, self-control and self-esteem in education.
Conditions for optimal selection and effective application of educational methods.
The team as an object and subject of education.
Dialectics of the collective and individual in the education of the individual.
The formation of personality in a team is the leading idea in humanistic pedagogy.
The essence and organizational basis of the functioning of a children's team.
Stages and levels of development of the children's team.
Basic conditions for the development of a children's team.
Educational systems.
Structure and stages of development of the educational system.
Foreign and domestic educational systems.
Class teacher in the educational system of the school.
Children's public associations in the educational system of the school.
Pedagogical technologies.
Pedagogical technologies and teacher skills.
The essence of pedagogical technology.
The structure of pedagogical excellence.
The essence and specificity of the pedagogical task.
Types of pedagogical tasks and their characteristics.
Stages of solving a pedagogical problem.
Demonstration of the teacher’s professionalism and skill in solving pedagogical problems.
Technology of designing the pedagogical process.
The concept of technology for constructing the pedagogical process.
Awareness of the pedagogical task, analysis of initial data and formulation of a pedagogical diagnosis.
Planning as a result of the constructive activity of the teacher.
Planning the work of the class teacher.
Planning in the activities of a subject teacher.
Technology of implementation of the pedagogical process.
The concept of technology for implementing the pedagogical process.
The structure of organizational activity and its features.
Types of children's activities and general technological requirements for their organization.
Educational and cognitive activity and technology of its organization.
Value-oriented activity and its connection with other types of developmental activity.
Technology of organizing developmental activities for schoolchildren.
Technology of organizing collective creative activity.
Technology of pedagogical communication and establishment of pedagogically appropriate relationships.
Pedagogical communication in the structure of teacher-educator activity.
The concept of technology of pedagogical communication §.
Stages of solving a communication problem.
Stages of pedagogical communication and technology for their implementation.
Styles of pedagogical communication and their technological characteristics.
Technology for establishing pedagogically appropriate relationships.
Management of educational systems.
The essence and basic principles of managing educational systems.
State-public education management system.
General principles of management of educational systems.
School as a pedagogical system and an object of scientific management.
Basic functions of intra-school management.
Management culture of the school leader.
Pedagogical analysis in intra-school management.
Goal setting and planning as a function of school management.
The function of organization in school management.
Intra-school control and regulation in management.
Interaction of social institutions in the management of educational systems.
The school as an organizing center for joint activities of the school, family and community.
The teaching staff of the school.
Family as a specific pedagogical system. Features of the development of a modern family.
Psychological and pedagogical foundations for establishing contacts with a schoolchild’s family.
Forms and methods of work of teachers, class teachers and parents of students.
Innovative processes in education. Development of professional pedagogical culture of teachers.
Innovative orientation of teaching activities.
Forms of development of professional pedagogical culture of teachers and their certification.

After a long time, the individual creative approach to the formation of a teacher’s personality, proposed by the academician, has proven its effectiveness and promise in practice. For a modern leader, the ideal model should be a person with professional competence, endowed with a special type of professional consciousness, oriented in his pedagogical activities to the development of the student as a person, individuality, subject of knowledge, communication and work.

The textbook reveals the essence and structure of pedagogical technology, which is based on the idea of ​​complete control over the pedagogical process, its planning, design, as well as the possibility of detailed analysis using step-by-step reproduction. Pedagogical technology is based on ensuring, through constant feedback, that certain goals are achieved. It follows from this that goal setting is the most important stage of pedagogical technology.

Educational technologies have their own industry characteristics, determined by the methods and means with which they operate, as well as by the source material they work with. The specificity of methods and means of pedagogical technologies is manifested by the presence of a certain educational component, and the need to take into account philosophical, psychological, anthropological and environmental aspects.

As an example of how other specialists in this field consider the problem of educational technologies, one should cite the works T.A. Stefanovskaya, V.A. Slastenin and G.K. Selevko. In the works G.K. Selevko Pedagogical technology seems to be closely related to the educational process and the interaction between student and teacher. The structure of educational technology, according to his theory, consists of the following components. Firstly, this is a conceptual basis, secondly, a substantive part, thirdly, a procedural part.

The textbook reveals the essence of pedagogical technology in a slightly different aspect. The author considers planning and design, including analysis, diagnostics, forecasting and development of an activity project, to be the decisive condition for the success of the pedagogical process. According to theory, educational technology includes three main components. The first is an analysis to make a diagnosis. The second is forecasting and design. And the third is the idea that analysis, forecast and project are an inextricable triad for solving any pedagogical problem.

According to T.A. Stefanovskaya pedagogical teaching technology should be based on the following ideas. First of all, this is the integration of pedagogical disciplines. In second place is the intensification of the learning process through the use of mnemonic diagrams. And, finally, the diagnostic basis and content of educational disciplines, determined by the relationship of objective and subjective conditions. As the main components of educational technology T.A. Stefanovskaya distinguishes the target setting, the content component, the technological component itself and the expert-evaluative component.

In practice, the implementation of pedagogical technology is carried out by adding all the components that make it up. According to NOT. Shchurkova, the core component of pedagogical technology is pedagogical technique, that is, the teacher’s mastery of his own psychophysical apparatus and the ability to understand the student’s attitude based on his psychophysical apparatus, which includes facial expressions, gestures and speech. The main way for a teacher to correct student behavior is pedagogical assessment.

In modern pedagogical practice, the most in demand are such personal qualities of a teacher as openness and sincerity, goodwill, the art of communication, erudition, outlook, charm, artistry, improvisation, fantasy, reflection, and the ability to timely detect changes in children’s relationships, their moods and reactions.

What do they think? V.A. Slastenin and N.E. Shchurkova, in the modern educational process there is a real revolution, consisting in a change of key pedagogical positions and modifications of the theoretical picture of education as a psychological and pedagogical phenomenon. This very revolution, in their opinion, gave rise to completely new characteristics of the educational process, which are derived from the latest principles, such as the principle of value orientations, subjectivity and givenness.

The principle of value orientations requires the teacher to fill interaction with students with a certain value content, focused on such highest universal values ​​as man, life, nature, work, communication and knowledge. The principle of subjectivity directs the teacher’s activities to constantly initiate in the child the ability to be the subject of his own actions. The principle of given presupposes treating the child as an unconditional value and given, respecting the history of his life, the specifics of the development and formation of his personality.

2. Biography of the founder of the scientific school, Academician of the Russian Academy of Education, Doctor of Pedagogical Sciences, Professor V.A. Slastenina

Vitaly Aleksandrovich Slastenin – Honored Scientist of the Russian Federation, Full Member of the Russian Academy of Education, Doctor of Pedagogical Sciences, Professor, Head of the Department of Higher Education Pedagogy, Founder and Dean (1982–2002) of the Faculty of Pedagogy and Psychology of Moscow Pedagogical State University, Laureate of the Government of the Russian Federation Prize in the field of education, Chairman of the Scientific and Methodological Council on General and Social Pedagogy and Psychology of the Educational and Methodological Association for Teacher Education, member of the Union of Journalists of the Russian Federation, President of the International Academy of Sciences of Pedagogical Education.

Vitaly Aleksandrovich Slastenin was born on September 5, 1930 in the city of Gorno-Altaisk, Altai Territory, into a family of collective farmers. He became involved in peasant labor early, and at the age of 15 he was awarded the medal “For Valiant Labor in the Great Patriotic War of 1941-1945.”

Life path of V.A. Slastenin was largely determined by his meeting with the remarkable innovative teacher and organizer of Shkida Viktor Nikolaevich Soroka-Rosinsky, which occurred during his studies at the Gorno-Altai Pedagogical School in 1945-48.

In 1948 V.A. Slastenin entered the Moscow State Pedagogical Institute named after. V.I. Lenin, where after successfully completing the course of study he was accepted into graduate school.

At that time, brilliant teachers and famous scientists worked at the Faculty of Education: Professor M.M. taught developmental psychology. Rubinstein, educational psychology - prof. N.D. Levitov, learning theory - Professor N.M. Schumann, theory of education - Professor S.M. Reeves. His first research work on ethnopsychology V.A. Slastenin prepared under the guidance of the outstanding domestic psychologist, vice-president of the Academy of Pedagogical Sciences of the RSFSR Konstantin Nikolaevich Kornilov. V.A. Slastenin calls his main teacher, Doctor of Pedagogical Sciences, Professor, Head of the Department of Pedagogy of Primary Education Ivan Fomich Svadkovsky, who fascinated him with the problems of pedagogy. Scientific work “Pedagogical foundations of local history”, carried out by V.A. Slastenin in her third year, was awarded a gold medal from the Ministry of Higher and Secondary Special Education of the USSR.

Simultaneously with his studies, Vitaly Alexandrovich was one of the creators of the large-circulation newspaper of the Moscow State Pedagogical Institute named after V.I. Lenin "Leninist". Journalism and literary creativity remained an important part of V.A.’s future activities. Slastenina.

In 1956, Vitaly Aleksandrovich successfully defended his Ph.D. thesis and in the same year began working at the Tyumen State Pedagogical Institute, to which he devoted 13 years of his life: assistant, senior teacher, and from 1957, at the age of 27, he became vice-rector for academic and scientific work. It was during this period that his talent as an organizer was fully revealed.

In 1969 V.A. Slastenin was appointed head of the Educational and Methodological Department, deputy head of the Main Directorate of Higher and Secondary Pedagogical Educational Institutions of the Ministry of Education of the RSFSR. Almost eight years V.A. Slastenin worked in the central office of the Ministry. All these years he carried out a broad socio-pedagogical experiment on the problem of forming a teacher’s personality.

It was during this period of work that V.A. Slastenin organizes a professional research study, unique in many respects, across all teaching specialties, which covered almost all pedagogical educational institutions; the experiment and data processing were carried out on a 20-thousand-person array unprecedented for pedagogical research.

The logical conclusion of the theoretical and experimental research of V.A. Slastenin’s monograph “The Formation of the Personality of a Soviet School Teacher in the Process of His Professional Training” (1976), thanks to which he emerged as a leading scientist in the field of theory and practice of teacher education. In 1977 V.A. Slastenin defended his doctoral dissertation.

In 1977, V.A. Slastenin returned to the Moscow State Pedagogical Institute. V.I. Lenin, and in 1978 he was elected head of the department of pedagogy of primary education. In 1979 he was awarded the academic title of professor. In 1982, V.A. Slastenin was elected dean of the Faculty of Education.

In 1980, Vitaly Aleksandrovich Slastenin created and headed the department of pedagogy and psychology of higher education. This year also saw official recognition of his merits in the field of pedagogical science. He was awarded one of the most honorable awards for a teacher - the K.D. Ushinsky medal. In 1981, he created and headed the laboratory of higher pedagogical education within the structure of the Research Institute at Moscow State Pedagogical Institute. V. I. Lenin. This laboratory became the parent organization of the target research program “Teacher”, the scientific director of which was V.A. He became a sweetheart since 1981. Researchers from pedagogical institutes in various regions of the country are involved in the development of the program. V.A. Slastenin acts as the author and methodologist of the concept of the targeted research program “Formation of a socially active personality of a teacher.”

V.A. Slastenin constantly took an active part in international seminars and conferences, and gave lectures at foreign universities.

In 1989 V.A. Slastenin was elected a corresponding member of the Academy of Pedagogical Sciences of the USSR, and in 1992 a full member of the Russian Academy of Education. In 1997 V.A. Slastenin became a member of the bureau of the Higher Education Department of the Russian Academy of Education, and in 1998 he was appointed editor-in-chief of Izvestia of the Russian Academy of Education, a position in which he served until 2001. In 1998 V.A. Slastenin created the journal “Pedagogical Education and Science”, of which he was always the editor-in-chief.

In 1996 V.A. Slastenin was awarded the honorary title “Honored Scientist of the Russian Federation”; in 1999 he became a laureate of the Government of the Russian Federation Prize in the field of education. In 1999 V.A. Slastenin was elected President of the International Academy of Sciences of Pedagogical Education.

The influence of the scientific school of V.A. Slastenin’s influence on the system of pedagogical education became decisive. Coordination of the efforts of almost 50 universities in the country within the framework of the targeted research program “Teacher”, in 1981-1989. carried out according to the plan-order of the USSR State Committee for Public Education and the decision of the Presidium of the Academy of Pedagogical Sciences of the USSR, allowed the team headed by him to develop the concept of teacher education, which received approval at the All-Union Congress of Public Education Workers (1989), which was sent to all pedagogical educational institutions of the USSR . In 1999, Vitaly Aleksandrovich took an active part in developing the concept of the content and structure of general secondary education in 12-year schools.

The ideas of the concept were fleshed out by V.A. Slastenin in developing the content and organization of the educational process in pedagogical educational institutions in the future. He has done a lot of work to create state educational standards for teaching specialties and prepare a new generation of educational and methodological documentation for educational institutions that train teachers. A fundamentally new curriculum model has been developed and is being actively implemented, ensuring a dynamic balance of basic (federal) and national-regional (university) components of educational content. The variable nature of curricula and programs is combined with the development of flexible technologies for the professional training of future teachers.

Vitaly Aleksandrovich took an active part in the development of state educational standards in the specialties “Pedagogy”, “Pedagogy and Psychology”, “Social Pedagogy”, and their scientific and methodological support, being the Chairman of the Scientific and Methodological Council for General and Social Pedagogy and Psychology of the Educational and Methodological Council associations for teacher education.

The subject of a scientist’s legitimate pride is his students. Under the leadership of V.A. Slastenin prepared and defended more than 170 candidate's dissertations, 55 of his students became doctors of science.

Today there is practically not a single pedagogical university in Russia in which Vitaly Alexandrovich’s students and followers do not work. Among his students are rectors and vice-rectors of universities, directors of research institutes and centers, deans of faculties and heads of departments. Many of them have their own scientific schools and develop promising research projects.

UDC 371.4(075.8)

BBK 74.03ya73

ISBN 5-7695-0878-7

Slastenin V.A. and others. Pedagogy: Proc. aid for students higher ped. textbook institutions / V. A. Slastenin, I. F. Isaev, E. N. Shiyanov; Ed. V.A. Slastenina. - M.: Publishing center "Academy", 2002. - 576 p.

Reviewers: Doctor of Pedagogical Sciences, full member of the Russian Academy of Education, Professor G.N. Volkov; Doctor of Pedagogical Sciences, Corresponding Member of the Russian Academy of Education, Professor A. V. Mudrik

Educational edition

Slastenin Vitaly Alexandrovich

Isaev Ilya Fedorovich

Shiyanov Evgeniy Nikolaevich

The textbook reveals the anthropological, axiological foundations of pedagogy, the theory and practice of the holistic pedagogical process; organizational and activity bases for the formation of a schoolchild’s basic culture. Characteristics of pedagogical technologies are given, including the design and implementation of the pedagogical process, pedagogical communication, etc. Issues of managing educational systems are revealed. The authors are laureates of the Russian Government Prize in the field of education.

May be useful for teachers and educational leaders.





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V.A. Slastenin

I.F. Isaev

E.N. Shiyanov



Edited by V.A. Slastenina

In two parts

Part 1

Approved by the Ministry of Education

Russian Federation as a teaching aid

for students in the discipline "Pedagogy" cycle

“General professional disciplines” of higher education

institutions studying pedagogical


BBK 74.00ya73

Slastenin V.A., Isaev I.F., Shiyanov E.N.

C47 General pedagogy: Proc. aid for students higher schools, institutions / Ed. V.A. Slastenina: At 2 o'clock - M.: Humanit. ed. VLADOS center, 2002. – Part 1. – 288 p.

ISBN 5-691-00950-8.

ISBN 5-691-00951-6(I).

The textbook was prepared in accordance with the State educational standard for areas and specialties of higher pedagogical education and consists of two parts.

Part 1. The basic concepts of pedagogy as an integral pedagogical process are revealed, the patterns, principles, forms and methods of teaching are considered.

Addressed to students of higher pedagogical educational institutions, as well as students of universities in which the course of pedagogy is introduced as a basic discipline in the general humanities block or an elective course.

BBK 74.00ya73

© Slastenin V.A., Isaev I.F., Shiyanov E.N., 2002

© “Humanitarian Publishing Center VLADOS”, 2002

© Serial cover design. "Humanitarian Publishing Center VLADOS", 2002

ISBN 5-691-00950-8.

ISBN 5-691-00951-6(I).


Ancient wisdom says: “He who thinks about today takes care of his daily bread. The one who talks about tomorrow peers into young faces.”

Thinking about the future of Russia, today we look at those who fill school classrooms and student auditoriums and who will become the owner and citizen of the country, leading it to revival and new life. What this generation that will replace us will be like depends largely on education.

The State Council of the Russian Federation in August 2001 set the task: education should be part of the main priorities for the development of Russian society and the state for the entire foreseeable future, the goal of educational policy should be to achieve a new, modern quality of education, its compliance with the current and future needs of the individual and society and states.

Russia’s worthy status in the world will be ensured only by an education system that can preserve and multiply the humanistic traditions of domestic and world culture, a system that is flexible, variable in types of schools and educational levels, open, comparable to Western models, but above all taking into account the needs and requirements of our country , organically connected with the foundations of its social structure.

As the most important life-supporting social institution, education is object interdisciplinary research. Philosophy, psychology, sociology, political science, economics, and jurisprudence address the problems of education. But there is only one science for which education has become subject. This science is pedagogy, a broad area of ​​humanitarian knowledge about the patterns of formation and development of personality in educational processes of various types and levels.

The manual is addressed to everyone who begins to study pedagogy, theory, methodology and practice of education.



§1. General idea of ​​pedagogy as a science

General cultural and ideological self-determination of an individual, and for a teacher also professional, presupposes its orientation in the deep layers of that part of culture that constitutes pedagogy. It has a long history, inseparable from the history of mankind.

Word pedagogy comes from Greek raidagō gikē, which is formed from Raidagō gos- educator, teacher, lecturer (rais, raidos– child + ago– I lead) and literally means “children’s education”. In ancient Greece, teachers were originally slaves who accompanied their master's children to school. Later, teachers were already civilian people who were engaged in instructing and teaching children. In Rus' of the 12th century. the teachers called him "master". The masters were free people (sacristans or laymen), who at home began to teach children reading, writing, prayers, or, as it is said in one “Life”: “Write books and teach students literate tricks.”

It should be noted that each person experimentally acquires certain pedagogical knowledge and establishes some dependencies between various pedagogical phenomena. Thus, primitive people already possessed knowledge of education, which they passed on from one generation to another in the form of customs, traditions, games, and everyday rules. This knowledge was later reflected in sayings and proverbs (for example, “repetition is the mother of learning,” “live forever, learn forever,” etc.), in myths and legends, fairy tales and anecdotes that made up the content folk pedagogy, the role of which in the life of society, an individual family, a specific person is extremely great, as it helps to interact with other people, communicate with them, engage in self-improvement, and perform parental functions.

Folk pedagogy, having emerged as a response to an objective social need for education, conditioned by the development of people’s working activities, of course, cannot replace books, schools, teachers, and science. But it is older than pedagogical science, education as a social institution, and initially existed independently of them.

However, pedagogical science, in contrast to everyday knowledge in the field of education and training, generalizes scattered facts and establishes causal connections between phenomena. She does not so much describe them as explain them, answer questions about why and what changes occur in human development under the influence of training and upbringing. Scientific knowledge is necessary to manage the pedagogical process of personality development. The great Russian teacher K.D. Ushinsky warned against empiricism in pedagogy, rightly noting that it is not enough to be based only on personal, even successful, experience of education. He compared pedagogical practice without theory to witchcraft in medicine.

At the same time, everyday pedagogical experience, despite the oral form of its existence, did not disappear, but was passed on from century to century, stood the test of time, changed guidelines and values, but on the whole was preserved in the form of the pedagogical culture of the people, their pedagogical mentality and today constitutes the basis of scientific pedagogical knowledge. This is why K.D. Ushinsky, speaking out against empiricism in teaching and upbringing, did not identify it with folk pedagogy, but, on the contrary, argued that by turning to it, the educator will always find an answer and assistance.

§2. Object, subject and functions of pedagogy

To define pedagogy as a science, it is important to establish the boundaries of its subject area or answer the question of what it studies. The answer to this question involves understanding its object and subject.

In the views of scientists on pedagogy, both in the past and now, there are three approaches (concepts).

Some believe that pedagogy is an interdisciplinary field of knowledge. This approach actually denies pedagogy as an independent science. In this case, pedagogy presents a variety of complex objects of reality (space, politics, etc.).

Other scientists assign pedagogy the role of an applied discipline, the function of which is to indirectly use knowledge borrowed from other sciences (psychology, sociology, etc.) and adapted to solve problems in the field of education or upbringing. So, at first glance, the object of scientific pedagogy is any person who is taught and educated. However, in this case, both pedagogy and psychology study mental reality (the human psyche), and pedagogy is only the applied part of psychology, its “practical application.” This approach explains attempts to replace pedagogy with psychopedagogy.

In fact, supporters of both the first and second concepts deny the right of pedagogy to its subject and, consequently, its own theoretical knowledge, replacing it with a set of provisions taken from other sciences. This circumstance has a negative impact on teaching practice. None of the sciences related to pedagogy studies pedagogical reality holistically and specifically. With this approach, a holistic fundamental basis for teaching practice cannot be developed. The content of such pedagogy is a set of fragmentary ideas about individual aspects of pedagogical phenomena.

Productive, according to V.V. Kraevsky, is only the third concept, according to which pedagogy is an independent discipline that has its own object and subject of study.

Object of pedagogy. A.S. Makarenko, a scientist and practitioner who can hardly be accused of promoting “childless” pedagogy, in 1922 formulated an idea about the specificity of the object of pedagogical science. He wrote that many consider the child to be the object of pedagogical research, but this is incorrect. The object of research in scientific pedagogy is a pedagogical fact (phenomenon). At the same time, the child and the person are not excluded from the researcher’s attention. On the contrary, being one of the sciences about man, pedagogy studies purposeful activities for the development and formation of his personality.

Consequently, as its object, pedagogy does not have the individual, his psyche (this is the object of psychology), but a system of pedagogical phenomena associated with his development. That's why The object of pedagogy is the phenomena of reality that determine the development of the human individual in the process of purposeful activity of society. These phenomena are called education. It is that part of the objective world that pedagogy studies.

Subject of pedagogy. Not only pedagogy studies education. It is studied by philosophy, sociology, psychology, economics and other sciences. Thus, an economist, studying the level of real capabilities of the “labor resources” produced by the education system, tries to determine the costs of their training. A sociologist wants to know whether the education system is preparing people who are able to navigate the social environment and contribute to scientific and technological progress and social change. The philosopher, in turn, using a broader approach, asks the question of the goals and overall purpose of education - what they are today and what they should be. A psychologist studies the psychological aspects of the pedagogical process. A political scientist seeks to determine the effectiveness of state educational policy at one or another stage of social development.

The contribution of numerous sciences to the study of education as a social phenomenon is undoubtedly valuable and necessary, but these sciences do not address the essential aspects of education related to the everyday processes of human development, the interaction of teachers and students in the process of this development and the corresponding institutional structure. And this is quite legitimate, since the study of these aspects determines that part of the object (education) that should be studied by a special science - pedagogy.

Subject of pedagogy this is education as a real holistic pedagogical process, purposefully organized in special institutes(family, educational and cultural institutions). Pedagogy studies the essence, patterns, trends and prospects of the pedagogical process (education) as a factor and means of human development throughout his life, develops the theory and technology of organizing this process, forms and methods of improving the activities of a teacher and various types of activities of students, strategies and methods of interaction teacher and student.

Functions of pedagogy. The functions of pedagogy are determined by its subject. These are theoretical and technological functions carried out in organic unity.

Theoretical function implemented at three levels:

    descriptive (studying advanced and innovative teaching practices);

    diagnostic (determining the state of pedagogical phenomena, the effectiveness of the teacher and students, as well as the conditions that ensure this effectiveness);

    predictive (experimental studies of pedagogical reality and the construction on their basis of models for transforming this reality). The prognostic level of the theoretical function is associated with revealing the essence of pedagogical phenomena, finding deep phenomena in the pedagogical process, and scientific substantiation of the proposed changes.

At this level, theories of training and education, models of pedagogical systems that are ahead of educational practice are created. Technological function

    pedagogy also involves three levels of implementation:

    projective (development of methodological materials: curricula, programs, textbooks and teaching aids, pedagogical recommendations, embodying theoretical concepts and determining the plan of pedagogical activity, content and nature);

    reflective and corrective (assessment of the impact of scientific research results on the practice of teaching and education, subsequent correction in the interaction of scientific theory and practical activity).

§3. Education as a social phenomenon

Any society exists if its members follow its accepted values ​​and norms of behavior, determined by specific natural and socio-historical conditions. A person becomes a person in the process socialization, thanks to which he gains the ability to perform social functions. Some scientists understand socialization as a lifelong process, linking it with a change in place of residence, team, change in marital status, and age. However, this is only social adaptation. Socialization does not end there; it presupposes development, self-determination, and self-realization of the individual. Such tasks are solved both spontaneously and purposefully, both by institutions specially created for this purpose, and by the person himself. The purposefully organized process of managing socialization is called education, which is a complex socio-historical phenomenon.

Education is understood as a unified process of physical and spiritual formation of the individual, his socialization, consciously oriented towards some ideal images, towards social standards historically recorded in the public consciousness,(for example, a Spartan warrior, a virtuous Christian, an energetic entrepreneur, a harmoniously developed personality). In this understanding, education acts as an integral aspect of the life of all societies and all individuals without exception. Therefore, it is, first of all, a social phenomenon, which is a purposeful process of education and training in the interests of the individual, society and the state.

Education has become a special sphere of social life from the time when the process of transferring knowledge and social experience stood out from other types of human activity and became the business of individuals specifically involved in training and education. However, education as a social way of ensuring the inheritance of culture, socialization and personal development arises with the emergence of society and develops along with the development of labor activity, thinking, and language.

Scientists dealing with the socialization of children in primitive society believe that in that era, education was woven into the system of social and production activities. The functions of training and education, transmission of culture from generation to generation were carried out by all adults directly in the course of introducing children to the performance of labor and social duties.

Every adult member of society became a teacher in the process of daily activities, and in some developed communities, for example among the Yaguas (Colombia, Peru), younger children were raised mainly by older children. Education was inextricably linked with the life of society. Children, together with adults, obtained food, guarded the hearth, made tools and learned at the same time. Women gave girls lessons in housekeeping and child care, men taught boys to hunt and wield weapons. Together with adults, children tamed animals, raised and harvested crops, rejoiced at a successful hunt, military victories, danced and sang, i.e. education was carried out comprehensively and continuously in the process of life.

However, the idea of ​​a primitive society as a society in which the educational process occurred spontaneously, without special efforts, is not correct. Researchers have found that people of that time had a developed system of accumulating information and transmitting it from generation to generation. These studies made it possible to move away from traditional views of labor only as a means of subsistence and to understand its great humanistic value.

In this regard, the classic works of the American ethnographer Margaret Mead, who studied the life of the natives on the Samoan Islands in the Pacific Ocean, are of particular interest. In Samoa there is practically no difference between what adults do and what children do. “The Samoan child,” notes M. Mead, “has no desire to turn the activities of adults into a game, to transfer one sphere to another... They never make toy houses, they never let in toy boats. Little boys climb into real canoes and learn to sail them in the safe waters of the lagoon.”* All members of the community, including the smallest children, take part in all vital activities: harvesting, cooking, fishing, building houses, caring for children, receiving guests.

* Mead M. Culture and the world of childhood. – M., 1988. – P. 169.

The process of socialization among primitive peoples was far from simple and required adults to understand the process of child development. This clearly illustrates the rite of passage that marks the transition from childhood to adulthood. Boys and girls, in the presence of the entire tribe, demonstrated knowledge, skills, dexterity, proved their ability to endure pain and overcome fear.

One should not imagine education in a primitive society as something undifferentiated, uniform among all tribes. The content and technologies of training and education were different among different peoples and, accordingly, led to different results.

For example, the inhabitants of the island of Alora in the Pacific Ocean were characterized by an indifferent attitude towards children who were not taught anything, were poorly fed and did not show any care for them at all. This attitude led to depression and embitterment in children. The process of socialization was difficult and delayed. The tribe was characterized by unkind relationships, constant clashes, and low emotionality. On the contrary, the Comanche Indian tribe was characterized by constant care for children on the part of the mother or father, combined with reasonable demands. After the first successful hunt, the teenager gained independence. As a result of an emotional and fairly strict upbringing, a strong and self-confident personality developed, not knowing the fear of death. The relationships of adults with each other were imbued with care and participation*.

* Sokolov E.V., Dukovich B.N. Family as a source of educational influences. Family as an object of philosophical and sociological research. – L., 1974. – P. 133–135.

With all the differences and nuances, education in pre-class society was of a public nature, since it was carried out in the process of everyday social, especially industrial, life. In addition, all adults performed pedagogical functions in relation to all children, and not just their own, and the older children were involved in raising the younger ones. It is this feature of education in a primitive society that allows us to call it an archaic type of education (L.F. Kolesnikov, V.N. Turchenko, L.G. Borisova).

Expanding the boundaries of communication, the development of language and general culture have led to an increase in information and experience to be transmitted to young people. However, the possibilities for its development were limited. This contradiction was resolved by creating public structures or social institutions that specialized in the accumulation and dissemination of knowledge.

For example, in order to preserve in memory all the richness of folklore, the priests of the Tohunga (Maori tribes of New Zealand) practiced for hours every day in the endless repetition of myths and traditions. In each tribe, social schools were created - ware vananga (houses of knowledge), in which the most knowledgeable people passed on the knowledge and experience of the tribe to the youth, introduced them to rituals and legends, and initiated them into the art of black magic and witchcraft. The young men spent many months at school, memorizing the spiritual heritage word for word. In wara vananga, young people were taught various crafts, agricultural practices, were introduced to the lunar calendar, and were taught to determine favorable dates for the start and completion of agricultural work by the stars. The full course of study at such a school took several years. Schools of this type existed not only among the Maori, but also among other tribes*.

* Bakhta V.M. Aotearoa. – M., 1965. – P. 53–54.

The spread of such schools significantly accelerated the progress of mankind and made society more adapted to environmental changes.

The emergence of private property and the identification of the family as an economic community of people led to the isolation of students and educational functions and the transition from public education to family, when the role of the teacher shifted from the community to the parents. The main goal of education was the formation of a good owner, an heir capable of preserving and increasing the property accumulated by the parents as the basis of family well-being.

However, the thinkers of antiquity already realized that the material well-being of individual citizens and families depended on the power of the state. This power can be achieved not by family, but by social forms of education. Thus, the ancient Greek philosopher Plato, for example, considered it obligatory for children of the ruling class to receive education in special government institutions. His views reflected the education system that developed in ancient Sparta, where state control over education began from the first days of a child’s life. From the age of seven, boys were sent to boarding schools, where a harsh way of life was established. The main goal of education was to raise strong, cruel, resilient, disciplined and skillful warriors capable of selflessly defending the interests of slave owners. A similar education system existed in ancient Athens.


Pedagogy: educational allowance For pedagogical students educational establishments / V.A. Slastenin, I.F. Isaev, A.I. Mishchenko, E.N. Shiyanov. – M., 1998. Radugin A.A. Pedagogy. Educational allowance For higher educational establishments...

  • The program of the final interdisciplinary exam for bachelors of training direction 050100. 62 Pedagogical education, profile “primary education” Omsk


    ... educational institutions - 9th ed., ster. / Slastenin V.A., Shiyanov E.N., Isaev I.F. – M., Academy, 2008. Additional literature Zagvyazinsky V.I., Emelyanova I.N. General pedagogy: Educational allowance... documents [text]: educational allowance For universities/ A.M. ...

  • Entrance test program in pedagogy for applicants to the master's program 44. 04. 01


    ... allowance. For pedagogical students educational establishments / Slastenin V. A., Isaev I.F., Mishchenko A.I., Shiyanov E.N. – 4th ed.-Pedagogy. – M., 2002. Pedagogy: Educational allowance For pedagogical students educational... : Textbook For universities. – St. Petersburg, 2001.