Class hour for primary school.  Smile Day

Class hour for primary school. Smile Day

Purpose: to give the concept of laughter, smile, to show their importance in human life.
Objectives: 1. (educational) give information about laughter, smiling;
2. (developmental) to promote the development of the emotional and sensory sphere of children, the ability to consciously express their emotions and feelings
3. (educational) to cultivate a friendly attitude towards people.
Lesson structure:
I.Org. Moment

1. Greeting each other
II. Main part
1.Reading a story
2. Lesson guest
3. Conversation about the benefits of laughter
4. game “Answer-question”

6. View illustrations and comment
III. Final part

2. Distribution of “Smile Medals”
3. Lesson reflection.

Methods and techniques used: verbal (story, explanation, conversation), visual (illustration method), practical (exercise), game.
Equipment: ball, soft sun, cards with questions, medals, board, illustrations of emotions.
Sources of information used:
Zharikov E., Krushelnitsky E. For you and about you. M.: Education, 1991
Kolominsky Ya.L. A man among people. M.: Young Guard, 1973
Levi V.L., Me and us. M.: Young Guard. Grozny, 1988
I.Org. moment
1. Greeting each other
Goal: creating an emotional mood.
Hello guys, today we have gathered to talk about laughter and smiles, to find out what it is and why we need to smile and laugh. But first, let's say hello to you, but we will do this in an unusual way. I have a ball in my hands, we will pass it to the neighbor on the right, wrap it around our finger, say our name and say hello to everyone (I’m Lena, hello). So we said hello, now take your seats and listen to the story.
II. Main part
Reading a story.
Purpose: to introduce the story.
"Where did Ira come from"
We arrived at summer camp. After lunch, the teacher began to get acquainted with the squad and wrote down where they came from and who came. Some called the city, others the region. At this time Ira entered the room.
- What is your last name? - asked her teacher.
- Semenikhin.
-And where are you from?
- From the dining room! – Ira answered.
The children laughed.
-What feelings and emotions did this story evoke in you? (causes laughter, smile)
-Why did you laugh, did you find it funny? (the girl answered funny)
-So, today we will talk about laughter and smile.
-And that’s what our lesson is called, read the topic (“Let’s smile and laugh”).
- Guys, when do we laugh and smile? (when we have fun, it’s interesting, when something good happens to us...)
-Do you like to smile and laugh?
Goal: consolidate knowledge of “magic words”.
Look, the sun came to visit us, but why do you think it came to us? (The sun is a symbol of joy, warmth and good mood) in the sun we have cards with questions. Those interested, please come and answer them.
1. What word do we say when we meet each other? (Hello).
2. What word do we use to make a request? (Please).
3. What do you call a person who does a lot of good for other people? (Kind).
These three words are always pleasant to people and bring a smile and a positive mood.
3. Conversation about the benefits of laughter
Purpose: to provide information about laughter.
- 80% of success in life depends on the ability to communicate correctly with other people. It is very important to be able to smile, it helps to treat people kindly and gain their favor. Smiling can improve your mood. When we smile, a special substance enters the blood - the hormone of pleasure, which calms and improves our mood.
- Do you know that laughter and smiling affect human health?
- How do you think? (the person becomes cheerful, energetic)
- Laughter in itself is a good massage, because it shakes the blood vessels and muscles of our face and body, including the internal ones, which control the work of the internal organs. Substances that resist pathogenic bacteria also enter the bloodstream. Scientists have even noticed that cheerful people get sick less often, and children who are not sad recover faster.
- So, laughter is a certain reaction of the body, during which our facial muscles involuntarily contract, the heartbeat quickens, and the blood pressure changes.
-What is the meaning of laughter and smile?
-Listen to what the English doctor Sydenham said about laughter back in the 17th century: “The arrival of a clown in a city means much more for the health of the residents than dozens of mules loaded with medicine.”
-First, let’s figure out who the clown is? Look at the board to see how this word is spelled. That's what clowns used to be called, it's an Italian word.
-Listen to the statement again and say how you understand it.
-Do you agree with him?
When you are sad, you need to remember a funny story, laugh and your mood will immediately lift.
4. game “Answer-question”
Goal: to lift your spirits.
-Now let’s play a game called “Answer – Question”. The questions are written in front of you, and we will write the answers on separate pieces of paper and mix them up.
1. What do you carry in your briefcase?
2. Which famous film artist do you like?
3. What do they throw in the trash?
4. What do you usually take with you when visiting?
5. Who can walk on the ceiling?
6. What's going on on the street?
We will write the answers on separate pieces of paper and mix them up, then we will take them out and read to whomever gets what.
5. game “Guess the emotions by intonation”
Goal: learn to express your mood using intonation.
-Let's play another game called “Guess the emotions by intonation.” Not only gestures and facial expressions, but also intonation help to express your mood. Try saying the phrase “Tomorrow is the holidays” with an emotional connotation (surprised, happy, sad, angry, calm, scared, offended). The rest must guess the emotion.
-And now I want to offer you an exercise that will help you if you are awakened, irritated or upset. You need to look in the mirror and smile at yourself, when you are in a bad mood, the smile is not natural at first, but then you find it funny and your mood lifts. Give it a try.
- Well done. Put down the mirrors.
-Do you think there are different types of smiles? (Yes, a smile can be embarrassed, sarcastic, or joyful.)
6. View illustrations.
Goal: to teach to distinguish different emotions in illustrations.
-Look at the illustrations. Find here a joyful smile, an embarrassed one, a sarcastic one. Let's try to portray all these different smiles.
III. Final part
1.Discussion of proverbs and discussion of the rules of smiling and laughter.
Goal: to consolidate knowledge of proverbs, teach them to understand what they mean.
Guys, you and I must be able to smile and laugh correctly. What smile rules should we know? Proverbs will help us with this.
-Look at the blackboard. Here are proverbs about laughter, fun, smile. How do you understand them?
Fun is better than wealth.
He who lives in joy is numb to sorrow.
-First rule: A smile will help in communication.
-Rule two: Try to smile more often at friends, parents, and teachers.
Whoever makes people laugh has the whole world behind him.
-Rule three: Laugh contagiously. But know where and how to laugh.
There is no better joke than on yourself.
Don't get angry for a joke, don't get offended.
-Fourth rule: Learn to laugh at yourself.
It's funny to you, but it got to my heart.
-Rule five: don’t laugh at someone else’s grief or physical disability.
- These are the rules we have. Each of you has a reminder, look at the rules again.
-How should you laugh?
-When is it wrong to laugh?
-So, guys, what have we learned about laughter and smiling?
-How to improve your mood?
-What kind of smile can there be?
-How should you laugh?
2. Distribution of “Smile Medals”
Goal: to bring joy to children, to reward them for good knowledge in the lesson.
-You worked well today, and everyone gets medals - smiles.
2. Lesson reflection.
Goal: find out what the mood was during the lesson, and what it was like after the lesson.
You need to finish the sentence: I felt like I was in class...

Yulia Maznina

In the Southern Urals this year, spring is spoiling us. The weather has been clear and sunny for a week now. Although it’s not very warm outside, the sun is so gentle that when you go outside you just want to smile. And in order to smile even more often, Maxim and I decided to spend thematic lesson “Smile”. As always, we got so carried away that we couldn’t finish it in one day. Look at the smiling activities we created (thematic activity is suitable for children from 1.5 to 3 years). And smile with us!

These days, when we played with smiles, I tried to draw Maxim’s attention more often to the fact that he was now smiling or laughing, trying to make him understand that a sincere smile and laughter are a reflection of the joy that he has inside. She also showed him that if you see, hear or do something funny, you yourself will begin to smile, and you will feel joyful inside. And of course, many of our games and activities were related to. Maxim now asks to play many of these games himself.

Emotional development

Where does a smile come from?

She told Maxim that a smile appears on the face when a person feels good and wants to laugh. They smiled in front of the mirror and tried to laugh just like that.

We remember and smile

And people smile when they remember something very good. “Do you remember how yesterday Andrei gave you a piggyback ride? Oh, look, you’re smiling, it was fun.” “Adya is a horse,” Maxim answered me, laughing (Adya is what Maxim calls his older brother Andrei).

We respond to a smile

She caught Maxim’s gaze, smiled at him, and more often than not, he smiled back:

I smiled at you, you smiled at me. How amazing! Let's smile at our brother, and he will smile at us and dad, and dad will smile at all of us and grandma, and grandma will smile at all of us and even grandpa. Grandfather will smile at all of us, and then we will all smile.

Now I understand that this is a progression of smiles for us. (In mathematics, the process when with each action something becomes larger by a certain amount is called an arithmetic progression).

We wake up and smile, or how to turn on a smile

One day Maxim woke up too early and out of sorts, and the sun had not even risen.

Maxim, do you know that the sun smiles when it wakes up? Let's watch.

For several minutes we watched through the window as the sun rose (one window of the apartment faces east, and from it you can see the river, behind which the sun rises). The sun first smiled at us with its dawn, and then sent its rays to our window.

Poem on the topic:

Morning. Sun. Smile

In the morning the sun woke up
Smiled from behind the clouds,
So, you and I are left
Smile when you meet a ray...

Let's smile at the sun, the meadow
And any blade of grass,
Let's smile at each other
It's just like that with you now.

She invited Maxim to smile back, but he didn’t want to.

Where did the smile go? Maybe she's still sleeping? How can we wake her up? Oh, I know: chick!

I lightly pressed on the nose and tickled it, it worked - he smiled. Now we constantly turn on the smile – chik and you’re done!

Where do tickles live?

I told Maxim about who the ticklers are:

They are so small - small and love when you laugh. And they live here:

  • behind the ears,
  • armpits,
  • on the chest
  • at the navel,
  • under the knees.

She spoke and lightly tickled in the appropriate places.

Let's play nursery rhymes and smile

Maxim still likes fun games with faces, so we play them often:

K. Avdeenko


Cheeks, cheeks,
Dimples are lumps.
All day until night,
Smile your cheeks


Wall, wall (we touch the cheeks),
Ceiling (touch forehead).
Two windows (show or lightly touch the child’s eyes)
The doorbell is ringing! (touch the child’s lips and press the nose)

“Cuckoo” and smile

Another good way to cheer up Maxim is to play ordinary “Peek-a-boo” with him. And now he himself plays peek-a-boo with us: he will cover the car with something completely inappropriate or sit on it (hide it, sort of) and cuckoo, laughing.

Smiling and cheerful words

I told Maxim that there are such special “smiling words.” He said - and immediately you smile. I spoke, Maxim repeated as much as possible and smiled. After the third word, he began to run around the room and smile, stopping only to listen to the new word that I was saying. Here are a few of our “smiling” words:

  • kiwi,
  • raisin,
  • Bowl,
  • hole,
  • lemon.

Emotions on cards

We played with emotion cards: we chose boys who were smiling or laughing. They figured out why they laugh and why they are sad. Maxima noticed that people laugh differently:

D. Kharms

Cheerful old man

There lived an old man
Small in stature,
And the old man laughed
Extremely simple:
"Ha ha ha
Yes hehehe
Hee hee hee
Yes, bang-bang!
Yes be-be-be,
Yes, trick, trick!

Once, seeing a spider,
I was terribly scared.
But, clutching my sides,
Laughed loudly:
"Hee hee hee
Yes ha ha ha
Yes gul-gul!
Yes ha-ha-ha,
Go Go go
Yes, blah blah!”

And seeing a dragonfly,
I got terribly angry
But from laughter to the grass
And so he fell:
Yes gu-gu-gu,
Go Go go
Yes bang bang!
Oh, guys, I can’t!
Oh guys

We eat and smile

Maxim is a small dog, and in order for him to eat properly, I often have to turn food into a game. In the theme of our lesson, I tried to make food smile at him all these days.

Smiling mess

So that the good mood does not run away anywhere in the morning, for breakfast there was a “smiling” porridge (eyes and mouth can be drawn with jam if you give it to a child; put out steamed raisins, berries or pieces of bright fruit: kiwi, orange). We also had “smiling” sandwiches with our porridge.

And what will smile at us for dinner?

And so that the good mood would stay with us until the evening, for dinner Maxim ate “smiling” mashed potatoes (eyes - pieces of butter, mouth drawn with sour cream) and “smiling” pasta (she laid out a face from small pasta, and just smiles from spaghetti).

Can fruits smile?

Of course they can. A banana is a smile in itself, as are slices of apples and oranges. And on whole apples and oranges we will cut them ourselves.

"Smiling" cookies

Among the small crackers, the “Beasts” looked for smiling faces.

And one day we even managed to make smiles:

Looking for a smiling drink

One day after a nap, I arranged a tasting for Maxim to find the most “smiling” drink. I prepared 4 identical glasses of water: I added a little salt to one, a little lemon juice to another, sugar to another (this is the very “smiling” drink) and did not add anything to the last one.

Maxim, you know, while you were sleeping, they brought us different drinks, but only one of them was real - smiling. How can you and I guess which glass contains the delicious “smiling” drink? That's right: try it.

On the third try, Maxim found that same “smiling” drink. And, of course, he drank it - he has a terrible sweet tooth.

We play with smiles

Who smiles

We searched among our soft toys to see who smiles and who doesn’t. We tried to please the gloomy toys in order to make them smile: they treated them to treats that each particular animal loves: a cat with fish, a bear with honey, a dog with a bone, a koala with leaves, and so on.

And the smiling animals then staged a game of laughter with jumping from the sofa, throwing, and lying on the floor:

I. Tokmakova

We played laughing games

We played laughing games
We squealed like little pigs
We jumped like frogs
Sideways and backwards.

We decided: whoever wants
He will laugh at us all,
One will laugh at everyone.

We laughed and laughed
They were afraid to burst out laughing
They even rolled on the floor:
We all laugh at once!

Try themed weeks now - get notes for free!

I can tell you honestly
We still don't know
Who can, who wants,
Who will laugh at us all?
Will one laugh at everyone?

Let's give a smile

In response to my question “Who doesn’t smile yet?” Maxim brought his cars, a crane and a bunch of other equipment. They really didn’t have any smiles, so we cut out smiles from self-adhesive paper and gave them to the cars.

funny guys

We have soft pompoms for all kinds of games. And this week they turned into funny ones. Once, when we were on a walk, laughter came to us and I forgot my laughs. We collected funny things in bags: for dad, who comes home from work tired, for older brother, for grandmother. By the way, I remembered this poem:

S. Mikhalkov

Laughter is with us

We have the best life
Because with us – Laughter!
We will never part with him,
Wherever we are, we laugh!
In the morning we'll look out the window,
It's raining and we're having fun!
If the way to school lies,
Laughter runs next to us.
Our squad is going on a hike -
Laughter is not far behind us.
He is with us in any game
At home, at school, in the yard,
On the river, in the forest and in the field,
At the skating rink and at football,
Our friend is with us everywhere -
Laughter - Laughter! Laughter - Laughter!
Young, perky Laughter!
It's not a sin to laugh, is it?!

Another time I came across this poem:

V. Kudryavtseva

funny guys

I want to come up with
Such machines
To be able to do it
Live laughs.
So that these little funny guys
There was a hurry everywhere
So that the most gloomy
They made me laugh.
To make you laugh
My sister, I cry,
And our cheerful
Zorka is a cow.

and this is what came out of it.

The machine that makes the mixers is a concrete mixer, and the mixers are the same little pompoms. The machine made little jokes, and Maxim distributed them to the animals in jars and boxes, as in the nursery rhyme about a squirrel: “some in a scarf, some in a goiter, some in a sweetie.” At the same time, we also practiced opening jars and boxes.

We teach the ball to smile

On the slightly inflated balloon I drew eyes and a mouth – a small line. When the balloon was inflated, it turned out that the mouth stretched and the balloon smiled widely, widely. Then they themselves portrayed a smiling ball:

  • small smile - we bring our hands in front of us, press our palms together;
  • wide, the balloon inflates - puff out your cheeks, spread your arms wide to the sides.

“Captain, captain, smile!”

They played the song “Brave Captain”: they drew a flag with a smile, built a ship out of sofa cushions, a clock at the helm, a souvenir captain’s cap on their head – they were ready for sailing. And we sailed to an island where strange animals lived (the animals are made from soft toys, whose body parts are attached to the body with Velcro):

Taking pictures of smiles

I noticed to Maxim that when people take pictures, they most often smile, and she suggested taking pictures of their smiles. We then drew the photographs ourselves. I really liked the game and played it several more times.

Catching smiles

Lately we've been trying poems or fairy tales. I found several short stories in which the characters’ moods change. We read, discussed why the hero was sad, and what later made him happy or amused. Most of the stories were from the book G. Tsyferova “Fairy tales - little ones”:

  • "Piglet"
  • "Calf",
  • "Chick",
  • "Donkey Clown"
  • "Baby elephant",
  • "Butterfly",
  • "Little mouse."

Following in the footsteps of G. Tsyferov’s story “Little Pig,” they caught smiles (made from felt) and gave them to toys.

Several stories from the book also went well with the thematic lesson A. Orlova “I love walking on the clouds”(we really like this author both for his poems and stories):

  • "I love to laugh"
  • "Girl with pigtails"
  • "Bad mood".

A. Orlova’s story “I Love to Laugh” gave us the idea of ​​playing around with words - we came up with new names for objects that caught our eye:

  • pillow - karkushka,
  • book - siskin,
  • vacuum cleaner - drill cleaner and all sorts of other nonsense.

Maxim laughed wildly, I thought he would start to come up with ideas on his own, but he didn’t, he was still little. Noticing that Maxim already had a sense of humor, she came up with another joke game for him.

Jokes - jokes

I named the object or action deliberately differently. At first, Maxim, smiling, did not agree. And then he began to play along and agree that the table is a bed, and the sparrow is a cat. And after several times of such games he himself began to joke with me, calling cocoa water and porridge meat.

Lego - smiles

Of course, our games could not do without . First, smiles were constructed - just like that and from cubes of the same color, large and small. Then they sorted the smiles by color, by size, gave smiles to the animals, and at the end of the smiles they had a round dance, and Maxim and his cars had fun inside.

Let's create and smile

Collage of smiles

We looked in magazines for animals and people who smile. And the idea of ​​these collages arose by itself:

Little man, smile

I drew several smiley faces without smiles on a piece of paper. Maxim first painted their smiles, then their legs (this is his current stage of drawing a person - a cephalopod: head and legs). I remembered the game "Cephalopods" with very nice characters, we played it (not quite according to the rules, of course): we chose several different smiling cephalopods, and we looked for friends for the cephalopods - just like them, to the song “A smile will make everyone brighter.”

And then we sculpted our cephalopods from plasticine, and of course, attached wide smiles to them.

They sculpted smiles from plasticine, and then turned the smiles into a wave, a snail, a drop.

We made emoticons from mosaics, from pom-poms for creativity, from buttons, ribbons and whatever else was necessary.

How animals rejoice

She told Maxim how some animals express joy: a cat purrs, a dog wags its tail and throws itself on its owner’s chest, elephants wiggle their ears and trumpet loudly, sea animals squeal loudly. It was a pleasure to transform into these animals. This game caused a lot of emotions in Maxim, and now he often asks to play it.

Intellectual development

Smiley houses

Having circled the figures from the sorter, she asked Maxim to place a smiley face in each house. Then they looked for which roof was suitable for which house.

Merry pirates

After Marina Suzdaleva’s article, “The game “Merry Pirates” appeared in our home. Only we are playing it according to simplified rules for now: we throw one die with either colored edges or with numbers from 1 to 3 and choose a card either by color or by the number of pirates on it (Maxim identifies one well, but he still confuses two and three , for him it’s just “a lot”).

Swimming and smiling

While swimming, we splashed our hands in the water, splashed and laughed. They also drew smiley faces on the tiles with shaving foam and on the foggy glass. And I made one discovery: if you don’t erase the drawing from the mirror, when the mirror fogs up again, the drawing will appear.

Walking for smiles

Most days the weather was sunny and we went for walks to smile. Coming out of the entrance, we smiled at the sun and remembered this very appropriate poem:

G. Novitskaya

Together with the sun

The sun is shining
In the meadow
And I shine like that
I can not.
But I can
And all day long
I can laugh!

Here are the smiles we found on our walk:

  • they drew smiley faces with crayons on the asphalt and with a stick in the sand;
  • they drew eyes and smiles on the stones they found on the site and on the large stones with which the square was paved;
  • while walking in cloudy weather, they asked the sun to peek out from behind a cloud - they drew “smiling” suns on the sand, then they made nice things for the cars - they warmed them under the sun.

We also found a smiling bench, and in the park near the Kamerton Center for Aesthetic Development of Children we found a musical instrument that was also smiling. Can you guess which one? An accordion with open bellows (it’s a pity we didn’t have a camera with us that day).

Nature smiles

During one of her walks, I told Maxim that nature wakes up in the spring and also smiles - leaves and flowers appear on the trees and bushes. We cut a sprig of rowan and, bringing it home, put it in a jar. A few days later we had leaves on the branch, and we made the flowers ourselves from small hairpins - “crabs”.

By the way, fairy tales - little ones by G. Tsyferov “Loose Calf” and “Puppy” - are wonderfully suited to the moment the first leaves appear on the trees.

That's how much we managed to smile during our thematic lesson “Smile”. A lot of what we played has now become part of the rituals: wake up and smile, and if that doesn’t work, then turn on the smile: chik and it’s done, go outside and smile: at the sun or the wind, even if it’s very, very cold. And we also try to do little things more often to make our loved ones smile.

The most famous cartoon about smiling is the cartoon “Who Sits in the Pond,” and you probably watched it with your child. Did you know that this cartoon is based on the wonderful fairy tale by Lilian Muur “Little Raccoon and the One Who Sits in the Pond”? Watch a video reading of this fairy tale with your child right now:

Detailed description of thematic games and activities, all necessary materials for printing. Everything you need for comprehensive developmental activities!


- consolidate children's knowledge about emotions and means of their expression;

Train expressive facial expressions;

Develop a sense of goodwill;

Be considerate of each other.

Equipment: a large sheet of paper, markers, pencils, mirrors.

Progress of the lesson:


Goal: create emotional comfort.

Children stand in a circle. Each child turns to his neighbor on the right, smiles at him and says, “Hello,” then says hello to the neighbor on his left.

Exercise “Smile in a circle”

Children holding hands. They take turns smiling at their neighbor on the right, and then on the left.

A conversation between a psychologist and children.

1. Do you feel good when people smile at you?

2. Which child do you think is better to be friends with - a cheerful, friendly one, or an angry and sad one?

How do you feel when someone smiles at you?


Do you smile at your family and friends?

Why are you doing this?

Emphasize to children that a smile is a good mood, good health. For cheerful people, things go easily and cheerfully.

Game "Mimic gymnastics"

Goal: to train expressive facial expressions.

Children are asked to perform a number of exercises for facial muscles.

Wrinkle your forehead, raise your eyebrows (surprise). Relax, bring your eyebrows together, frown (angry). Relax. Completely relax your eyebrows, “roll your eyes” (indifference). Widen your eyes, open your mouth (Fear). Relax. Smile, wink (joy).

Game “Communication without words”

Goal: develop a sense of goodwill.

Participants pair up. First, couples walk around the room, stop at a signal from the psychologist, greet each other with their hands, put their hands on each other’s shoulders, look into their partner’s eyes, smile, and say goodbye.

“Drawing a cheerful Kolobok”

Goal: develop a sense of goodwill and unity.

On a large sheet of paper, children take turns drawing a certain detail of the picture to make a cheerful Kolobok (one child draws eyes, the other a smile, etc.). Pay attention to the fact that a smile indicates Kolobok’s joy.

Lesson summary

A psychologist tells children that a smile works wonders. After all, it’s enough to smile softly, and your friend will no longer be offended by you, but will gladly offer to play. If you are friendly and smiling, then you will have many friends and acquaintances who are willing to talk and play with you.

The psychologist invites children to take mirrors and look at themselves. First, children reproduce negative emotions with the help of facial expressions, and then positive ones. Emphasize that when a person is joyful, cheerful and smiling, then everyone has a desire to communicate with such a person.


Children form a column of their fists (one fist at a time) and say with a smile: “Everyone, everyone, goodbye!”

Class hour dedicated to Smile Day in primary school

Author Lyapina Victoria Olegovna, student of the socio-pedagogical college of the Samara city district
Description The material can be used by primary school teachers, class teachers, counselors, and educators for extracurricular activities.
Target Introducing the holiday "Smile Day", organizing leisure activities for younger schoolchildren.
-- introduce children to the history of the Smile Day holiday
- expand children's horizons;
- instill cognitive interest in younger schoolchildren;
- develop students’ cognitive abilities and memory.

Class progress

Good afternoon guys. I propose to start class today by watching a cartoon that you have known since childhood. You are especially familiar with the song from this cartoon. But before you show it, try to guess what this cartoon will be about.
If you give it to me,
You will become a little happier.
She'll turn around in an instant
And he will return to you soon.
She will drive away sadness in one fell swoop,
Like a fairy flapping her wings.
Don't skimp on her
Share it with everyone.
And for a big holiday
She's more important than anyone
At least sweets, at least postcards.
We are talking about..... (SMILE)
Well done boys. This is exactly a smile. Have you guessed what cartoon we will watch?
(Children's answers)
Watching the cartoon "Little Raccoon"

So what helped Little Raccoon make friends with the One who was sitting in the pond?
(Children's answers)
How can you smile? What types of smiles are there?
(Children's answers)

1 Student
If the rain outside the window doesn't stop
If something doesn't work out
If happiness is hidden behind the clouds
Even if the soul is scratched
And you will see - then everything will change
The rain will pass and the earth will be dressed in light
And sadness will pass by
And then the soul will heal...

2 Student
A smile is a reward
Salvation comes to those
Who silently asked for that joy,
Who believed and waited for that one.
A smile can be deceiving
Calculating, spiteful, dry.
A smile can be trusting,
Shy, childish, funny.
But there is a kind of smile
What I rarely give to anyone,
Love and care in smiles
For those whom I love very much.

I suggest you play. Proverb competition "Laughter and joke"
Children are divided into teams in rows.
I'll start, you continue. For each correct answer, the team receives one point.
He who lives in joy... (sorrow is numb).
There is nothing to eat, but to live... (fun).
Joy is not eternal, sadness... (not endless).
Mix business with idleness, spend time... (with fun).
Make a joke, ... (amuse everyone).
Whoever makes people laugh... (the whole world is worth it).
The boyar is happy with the jester, ... (but doesn’t walk in a row with him).
Some are cheerful, and some are noisy... (hanged up).
He cries bitterly, but squats... (dances).
Don’t be angry for a joke, but take offense... (don’t give in).
The heart is happy, and the face... (blooms).
Beautiful for sin, but bad... (for laughter).
Well done boys! It turns out you know a lot of proverbs and sayings about laughter and smiles.
Did you know that there is even a Smile Day?
(Children's answers)
No, it's not April 1st when we celebrate April Fool's Day. International Smile Day is celebrated around the world on the first Friday in October.

This day can also be considered the birthday of the well-known smiling emoticon. This emoji was first drawn by little-known artist Harry Bell in 1963.

Harry was a kind and cheerful person. And the smiley soon became a very popular symbol of that time. This holiday began to be celebrated in 1999.
1 Student
I am World Smile Day
Found it in the calendar
Look what kind of holiday it is
Yesterday I was in the dictionary
It says what you need

On this day, joke about everything
And beautiful smiles
It's easy to give to everyone around you.
Laughter, I know, prolongs
Life for perky jokers
This holiday is a godsend
Everyone is a fun person at heart.
And I just wish you
Smile more often for everyone
Live easily without stress
Without any problems.
Let's watch the skit performed by our guys and smile.
"How Kirill spoke"
Student Petrov Kirill
I killed everyone today:
I began to imitate animals -
Crow and squeal.
The teacher came to class:
-Who will go to the board now?
And Kirill Petrov:
- Ku-ku! Bow-wow! Ku-ka-re-ku
-Who was screaming there? I don't understand!
And Kirill responded to this:
- Moo!
-Is that you, Kirill Petrov?
Are you unwell today?
Maybe you need a doctor?
And Kirill responded to this:
-Give me your diary!
And Kirill:
- Tweet-chirp! Meow meow! Kwa-kwa-kwa!
- All! - said the teacher. - Two!
-Oh, for what? - Kirill cried.
He spoke again.

1 Student
Good joke
Start your day, friends!
A wise joke, a sensitive joke,
You can't live without it!
Laughter is healthier for a person
What a good drug.
He who laughs goes to the pharmacy
He walks less often, they say.
2 Student
A joke is appreciated for good reason,
And doubly good.
More, more every year
Laughter, jokes every day.
Ditties are performed
Seryozha took a walk in the park
And I didn't learn my lesson.
He took it and hid under the desk,
So that no one can find it!
Yura told me today,
What he doesn't like is physical education.
He hung on the horizontal bar
And I was afraid to jump down.
I was walking along the road to school,
Moving your feet slightly.
Here are the steps. Here's the threshold.
This is where the lesson ends!
Our Rita whole lesson
I didn’t sit silently.
And they said “answer”, -
Immediately I became numb.
During the test Dima whispers
Word spells.
The spell is simple:
- Think, think, head!
I'm taking care of my briefcase.
I'll need it.
Good in winter on it
Slide down the hill!
We walked towards Tolya and Kolya
Dragging a hundred bottles.
They say they were looking
Old Man Hottabych.
I open my notebook:
"Five" for all examples!
Sorry, the notebook is not mine,
And Vera's neighbors.
I didn't count six or six
Fifth grader Vasya.
He says he taught for a long time,
Somewhere in first grade.
We chatted in class
They didn't notice anything.
And then we searched for a long time
In the Himalayas our Volga.

Now listen to the story with questions. If the answer is correct, say “Yes!” in unison, if incorrect, say “No!”

The white-sided magpie decided to cook porridge,
To feed the children.
I went to the market and this is what I took...
Fresh milk - yes!
Chicken egg - no!
Semolina - yes!
Head cabbage - no!
Pickled cucumber - no!
Jellied meat - no!
Sugar and salt - yes!
White beans - no!
Ghee - yes!
Salted fish - no!
Bay leaf - no!
Chinese rice - yes!
Prunes and raisins - yes!
Chocolate delight - no!
Bell pepper - no!
Tatar sauce - yes!
Strawberry jam - yes!
Biscuit cookies - no!
Let's all perform a fun Japanese game song together.
If the birds sing here and there,
If the butterflies settled in the bushes,

(After the first, second, fourth lines - two claps each).

If you've learned your lesson by heart,
And besides, he helped a friend,
Teach us to have fun, show us how to frolic,
And we will do the same as you.
(After the first, second, fourth lines - two finger clicks).

If it hurts you hurt yourself on a doorframe,
If the bump on the top is like a fist,
Teach us not to cry, teach us not to gasp,
And we will do the same as you.
(After the first, second, fourth lines - two stomps each).

If you washed all the dishes for mom
And I didn’t break a cup or a plate,
Teach us to have fun, have fun and be proud,
And we will do the same as you.
(After the first, second, fourth lines - two claps with both hands on the knees).

If you went into space in a dream,
If you were skipping on the moon,
Show me how you frolicked, how you frolicked, had fun,
And we will do the same as you.
(After the first and second lines, two claps of hands, at the end of singing - repetition of clicks in a row, joyful exclamations of “Ay, ay!”, stamping of feet and clapping of hands on knees).

Let's smile just like that
Give smiles to random people.
Whatever for a penny, and not for a quarter,
And we’ll just smile at them! ... "
1 Student
When we smile
we make mistakes less often.
And we are rewarded more often
gifts of fate. ... "
2 Student
Whoever is sad, I give him a smile,
The smile of the stars and summer warmth.
Let the sound of the violin destroy the silence,
Melody, more transparent than glass.. ... "
Don't be sad, dear friend, smile!
Forget all the sorrows and pain,
Open your heart to the world,
And the whole world will be kind to you.
Our class hour has come to an end. Let's all sing together everyone's favorite song "Smile"
The song "Smile" lyrics by M. Plyatskovsky is performed
Let's smile at each other from the bottom of our hearts,
Wish you goodness and happiness, live and don’t worry.
A smile will help us cope with trouble,
If you smile more often, sadness will go away.
I congratulate you on Smile Day,
I wish you kind and gentle smiles.
May you have a good time among your friends,
Today is a holiday, get excited, don’t be shy.


1) promote the development of the emotional and sensory sphere of children, the ability to consciously express their emotions and feelings, emotional self-control skills;
2) ensure the introduction of “magic words” into students’ speech as integral components of the culture of interpersonal interaction and communication;
3) help maintain a positive mood in the life of the class team.

Progress of the conversation

1. Greeting from the teacher.

Guys, smile at each other and at our guests. Each of us has our own mood now: some are excited, some are surprised, some are calm.

I really like your greeting in German class.

Can you repeat this now? The role of the teacher will be played by Khadija.

2. Introduction to the topic of the class hour.

Now we are in a great mood. Let's try to carry it through the entire lesson.

To begin with, I suggest you draw a sun. Clouds covered the sky, we really miss the sun. Draw it the way you like to draw it.

So the sun came into our classroom.

Why did the sun come to visit us?

The sun is a symbol of joy, warmth and good mood.

Sunny brought something with him to our class, listen and guess what it is about.

“It's free, but it costs a lot.

It enriches those to whom it is intended, but does not impoverish those who give it.

It appears for a moment, but sometimes remains in the memory forever.

No one is rich enough to live without it, but even the poorest person will become richer with it.

She is a rest for the tired, a ray of light for those who have lost hope, joy for the saddened and the best remedy for troubles given to us by nature.

But it cannot be bought, begged, borrowed, or stolen, because it in itself is worth nothing until it is given to someone else!”

So what is it?

Children: Smile.

“Smile” is the subject of our conversation.

Read the class topic in chorus.


3. Work on the topic of the class hour.

You, of course, love to listen to all sorts of stories and know how to invent them yourself. Today I want to remind you of a familiar story, written by Donald Bisset “Do you want, do you want, do you want...”

Reading by the teacher. Conversation on content:

How has Mr. Smith changed?

- Became kind.

How will the people around him now treat him?

Choose emoticons that match Mr.'s mood at the beginning of the story and at the end.

It turns out that it is very important to be able to smile - it changes a lot in life: it helps to treat people kindly and gain their favor.

This is what we will talk about today, how to use a smile to improve your mood, make friends, achieve success in life, learn to influence others, and talk about how a smile helps in communication.

And most importantly, we will learn to smile with you.

Ozhegov’s dictionary says: A smile is a facial expression of the lips, eyes, face, showing a disposition to laugh, expressing greeting, pleasure and ridicule.

Guys, what does it mean to smile?

(Children's answers)

Smiling means expressing your feelings, your disposition, a good attitude towards something or someone, promising good luck and happiness.

Look what synonyms this word has. V. Dahl’s dictionary says: Smile - grin, grin, caress, be touched, grin.

Who do you think the “smiling man” is and what does he look like? (Children's answers)

A smiling person is often smiling and cheerful.

Guys, what kind of smiles are there?

(Children's answers)

Smiles can be good, cheerful, angry, sad.

Well, tell me, finally, why do we need a Smile?

(Children's answers).

A smile is a non-verbal means of communication. A smile reflects a person’s mood, his character.

The human smile is one of the most amazing phenomena in the world.

With the help of a smile, a person can get acquainted and say goodbye.

A smile can comfort and insult.

A smile has many wonderful properties:

Firstly, a smile lifts your mood, even if it is artificial.

Secondly, it attracts others, causing reciprocal positive emotions.

Thirdly, all the facial muscles are tightened, and this allows you to look cute. A smile creates a mood!

Guys, do you know that not only people know how to smile and express their feelings, but also animals. Let's get a look.

(Slides with photographs of animals.)

4. Practical work.

Guys, can you smile? Let's check. I suggest you turn to each other and smile.

Say the following phrases after me without smiling, and then with a smile:

Good morning!

Sorry I'm late.

Thanks for the gift!

I can't wait for you.

I ask you: “Stay with me.”

I congratulate you.

Which reflection do you prefer to look at, the one that smiles at you or the one that looks at you with a frown?

(Children's answers.)

"Shouting Game"

And now I invite you to play. I will read you questions, and you answer in unison: “This is me, this is me, these are all my friends!”

1) Which one of you has a smile?

Enters class every day?

2) Who doesn’t part with a smile?

Who jokes and laughs?

3) Who is born with a smile -

4) Who sings with a smile

Who lives happily with her?

Fairy tale "About a smile."

And now I invite you to listen to one fairy tale called “About a Smile”:

Once upon a time there was a Smile. She was so kind, affectionate, and welcoming that all the people were glad to see her in their home. They vied with each other to invite her to visit, tried to treat her, cheer her up, and make friends with her. Smile willingly went to visit people, helped people in business, tried not to offend anyone - neither old nor small.

But one day... In the town where Ulybka lived, a very strange man appeared. He was dissatisfied with everything, he was angry about every reason: the sugar was not sweet to him, the milk was not white, the sun was not bright, the bread was not baked, and the children were naughty... He was angry with everyone, both in good weather and in bad weather.

Have you met such people? Let's show how the evil one behaves? (shouting, stomping his feet, grinning, puffing out his cheeks, waving his arms). Beautiful?

Would you like to make friends with such a person?

Now let’s continue the tale “About a Smile.” What will happen next?

(Children's answers.)

- Acting out the scene “3 girlfriends”.

Once upon a time there were 3 friends - Crybaby, Zlyuka and Rezvushka. One day, while walking, they got caught in the rain.

Show how friends with different personalities will behave.

Which of these girls would you like to see next to you?

5. Consolidation.

A smile is of great importance in our life.

They say about a smile that it prolongs life, maintains health, and helps communication.

A smile is a cure for boredom, blues, and fatigue.

We need a smile to make the world a kinder place.

- The Chinese say: “A person who cannot smile should not open a store.”

A smile can change a lot. and as the famous song “Smile” says:

A smile makes a gloomy day brighter,

A smile in the sky will wake up a rainbow...

From one sunny smile

The saddest rain will stop crying.

A smile will make everyone warmer -

And an elephant and even a small snail...

A smile is very important in people's lives. A smile is loved and desired by everyone. And so people decided to come up with a holiday - World Smile Day, which is celebrated on October 1st. Smile Day was first celebrated in 1999. And the American artist Harvey Bell came up with the symbol of a Smile - a funny face - SMILE (translated from English - smile)

So what are the secrets of a smile? Let’s try to unravel them.

Children's statements, then reading the memo on a blue piece of paper.

Secrets of a smile.

Secret 1.When people smile, they become beautiful.

Secret 2.Scientists have calculated that 80% of success in life depends on the ability to communicate with a smile.

Secret 3. Smile itself is a way of communication.

Secret 4.It is important to be able to smile, because... this helps to treat each other kindly, to achieve the favor of the interlocutor, and helps to make friends.

Secret 5.With the help of a smile you can improve your mood and the mood of those around you. When a person smiles, special substances - hormones - are released into the blood, which are responsible for a good mood.

Secret 6.They say that 5 minutes of laughter extends a person's life by 1 year. And negative emotions (resentment, anger, discontent) cause illness. Blues leads to death.

- So, now you can easily answer the test questions.


a) Who has more friends: a cheerful person or an indifferent person? Underline your answer.

b) Is it possible to improve your life with the help of a smile? Yes. No. Underline your answer.

c) Which person is easier and more pleasant to communicate with: a smiling one or a gloomy one? Underline your answer.

Smile reminder.

Practice every day - smile in front of the mirror. Stay in this state for one minute.

In your room, try to hang a picture or photograph of a laughing person.

Look more often at paintings with landscapes and animals.

At home, at school, on the street, smile more often at your parents, teachers, and friends.

Smile when you say hello.

Remember - by smiling, we improve our health and the life around us.

Life without a smile is a mistake, long live laughter and smile!

Amazing! Now, guys, take the yellow medals and draw the kindest, most cheerful smile in the world.

(The guys draw emoticons, the melody “Smile” plays, the children sing along)

Guys, now turn to face each other, look at each other, smile.

Open the door with a smile on the way,

A smile cannot be kept locked up.

A smile is a flower that blooms on the lips.

A smile will drive away both anger and fear

A smile like rain, cheerful like a ball,

If you can’t catch up with him, we’ll go at a gallop,

A smile is like a dream, and it is like a dream.

A smile in the morning is childishly pure.

You can give your smile or emoticon to whomever you wish.

6. Conclusion. Summarizing. Reflection.

Guys, now continue the sentences:

I found out that…

I felt like I was in class...

And at the end of our class hour, I would like to read you a short parting poem:

Don't stand aside indifferently

When someone is in trouble.

Need to rush to the rescue

At any moment, always!

And if it helps anyone

Your kindness, your smile,

Are you happy that day

It was not in vain that he lived,

That you have not lived for years in vain!

Thank you for your work and your attention!