Speech games based on body parts.  Abstract of a logorhythmic lesson for young and young children

Speech games based on body parts. Abstract of a logorhythmic lesson for young and young children

Abstract: Lexico-grammatical lesson in a secondary speech therapy group on the topic “Parts of the body.” The material selected for the lesson is appropriate for the age of the children, is easy to understand, full of play and clarity, and involves the active activity of the children. A presentation, a literary word (poem), speech exercises were used, which contributed to the accumulation and refinement of the children’s vocabulary, and breathing exercises. Attention was paid to the development of learning skills in children: the ability to listen and hear the instructions of the teacher, to work at a certain pace.

Abstract of educational activities in the educational field “Speech development”

Topic: “Body parts”

Integration of educational areas: “Cognitive development”, “Socio-communicative development”, “Physical development”.

Software tasks:

Educational field “Speech development”:

  1. Expand and activate the verbal dictionary on the lexical topic “Parts of the body.”
  2. Strengthen the ability to form the plural form of nouns.
  3. To consolidate the practical ability to use the preposition –na in speech.

Educational area "Cognitive development":

  1. Learn the names of the main parts of the body, their functions, distinguish between right and left arms and legs.
  2. Develop visual and auditory perception, attention and memory.

Educational field "Social and communicative development":

  • Continue to work on forming friendly relationships between children, the ability to work collectively.

Educational field "Physical development":

  • Develop gross motor skills and fine motor skills of the hands.


  • pictures depicting body parts, doll, mirror.

GCD move

1. Open entry into activities

The speech therapist asks the children to sit in a semicircle and greet each other by nodding their heads.

2. Introductory - organizational

A doll came to visit us. Say hello to the doll and listen to what poem she will read to you:

These are hands - clap, clap.
These are the legs - top, top.
There's the back, there's the belly,
Head at the top.
This is my neck.
Admire - this is me.

3. Motivation for activity

The teacher asks the children to look in the mirror and show those parts that the doll told about (arms, legs, back, stomach, head, neck)

Everything that we have just named and shown is called body parts. Today we will talk about the parts of our body.

4. Work on the topic. Expanding existing knowledge

D/i “Show and name”

The teacher asks the children to show and name the doll:

Where's the head? (Here is the head).
-Where is the neck?
- Where is the hand?
-Where is the leg?
- Where is the back?
-Where is the stomach?

D/i "One-many"

The teacher names a noun denoting one part of the body, children form the plural form of the noun. (Using 2 dolls as an example).

D/i “What, where is it?”

The speech therapist asks the children:

What's on your head? (Hair, eyes, ears, etc. on the head)

What's on your hand?

What's on your leg?

What's on the body?

5. Dynamic pause

Where, where are our hands?
Where are our hands? (children hide their hands behind their backs)
Here, here are our hands. Here are our hands. (show hands and make lanterns)
Where, where are our legs? Where are our legs?
Here, here are our legs. Here are our legs. (stomping feet)
Where, where are our children?
Where are our children? (children cover their faces with their hands)
Here, here are our children. Here are our children. (children clap their hands)

6. Getting to know new material

D/i "On the contrary"

The speech therapist invites the children to touch the chalk and see what kind of hands they have. My hands are clean, and yours? (dirty)

Place your hands in the water. My hands are dry, what about yours? (wet)

Place your hands on the heating pad. My hands are cold, and yours? (hot)

7. Practical activities

D/i “What doesn’t the doll have?”

Children are given cards with a picture of a doll with individual body parts drawn, the teacher asks:

What did the artist forget to draw on the doll? (The doll has no hand. The doll has no hair. Etc.)

8. Open withdrawal from activities

Well done guys, today we talked about body parts. I will pat everyone on the head who did well.

Bikmaeva A.N.,
teacher speech therapist

Svetlana Pechentsova
Lesson on speech development “Parts of the body” (preparatory group)

Notes on speech development

Subject: « Body parts»

(preparatory group)

Target: Reinforce vocabulary on the topic « Body parts» ; consolidate the ability to select antonyms; activate the verb dictionary; learn to coordinate numerals with nouns; answer questions with complete answers, correctly formulating the sentence; continue to teach how to retell a work of fiction close to the text; develop memory, attention, thinking.

Methods and techniques: educational games and exercises:

"Say the opposite", “Tell me how much?”, “What for what?”,

"Helpers - scouts» , , surprise moment “the doll Olya came to visit”, reading a work, questions, riddles.

Equipment: beautiful doll, ball, hoop, poster « Body parts» , simple pencils, a portrait of a boy for each child.

Vocabulary work: chatted; Don’t stick your nose where it shouldn’t.

Progress of the lesson:

Organizing time.

IN: the one who calls sits down part of the body. (head, arm, leg, body, torso, eyes, nose, mouth, tongue, ear, stomach, back).

Do not repeat children's answers.

Now let's stretch our shoulders.

(exercise for neck and shoulders)

And let's train our tongues.

(articulation gymnastics: "smile" in alternation with

"fence", "brush my teeth", "delicious jam", "watch",

"naughty tongue", "drummer".

D/game “Tell me how much?”

IN: Now we'll play a game “Tell me how much?”

We answer questions with complete answers.

We stand near the chairs.


1. How many eyes do you have? I have two eyes.

2. How many hands do you have?

3. How many legs do you have?

4. How many noses do you have?

5. How many languages ​​do you have?

6. How many right legs do you have?

7. How many mouths do you have?

8. How many heads do you have?

9. How many ears do you have?

10. How many right legs do you have?

11. How many backs do you have?

12. How many bellies do you have?

13. How many fingers do you have on one hand?

14. How many fingers do you have on 2 crayfish?

IN: Take a seat, I want to show you something. Look how beautiful my handbag is (shows to children).

Want to know what's in it? Can you guess the riddle and find out what is in this beautiful handbag? Ready?

Mystery: What does all of this mean?

Daughter, she’s not crying,

If you put him to bed, he will sleep.

A day or two, or even five? ... (doll)

IN: The doll Olya and her assistants came to visit us. What kind of helpers you will now find out and guess for yourself! Listen carefully.

Olya runs merrily

Along the path to the river,

And for this we need

To our Ole... (legs)

Olya takes berries

Two, three pieces,

And for this we need

To our Ole... (pens)

If it weren't for him

Olya wouldn’t say anything. (tongue and mouth)

I must be very smart

To be with Olya... (head)

It shows on his face,

Minding his own business,

But sniff and sniff too

Gladly he can. (spout)

Olya listens in the forest,

How the cuckoos cry

And for this we need

To our Ole... (ears)

Olya is gnawing on kernels,

The shells are falling,

And for this we need

To our Ole... (teeth)

Olya looks at the cat

To the pictures in a fairy tale,

And for this we need

To our Ole... (eyes)

That's how many assistants Olya has. You and I also have these "helpers - scouts» .

Stay with us Olya, and the children will tell you many more interesting things. (put Olya on the table).

And now I suggest you break up into pairs and play.

D/game. "Helpers - scouts» .

(on the floor lie with the pattern down, cut into parts, large colored paper models: eyes, tongue, ears, nose, arms, legs, head, neck, teeth).

IN: Here they lie "helpers - scouts» person and you need everyone "assistant - scout» put it together and then read it on the card "Name".

The children are working.

IN: Look at them. Remember what they help us do, why do we need them?

What "assistant" did you collect? Why do we need this

"assistant"? We answer with a complete answer.

Di “What for what?”

Legs - walk, run, jump, stand...

Neck - twist, twirl...

Hands - take, sculpt, draw, wash...

Teeth - chew, gnaw, bite...

Eyes - look, examine...

Head - think...

Nose - breathe, smell...

Language - speaking, tasting...

Ears - to hear, to listen...

IN: That's how much a person has "helpers".

Sit down on the chairs.

Let's sit down more comfortably, prepare your ears and listen carefully.

Reading a story by the teacher.

This, it turns out, is why there is only one tongue and one nose.


1. What is this story about?

2. What did Katya have two of?

3. What did Katya have one of each?

4. What did Katya ask her grandmother?

5. What did the grandmother answer to Katya’s question?

6. How do you understand the word "chatted"?

Vocabulary work:

How do you understand the word...

Chat - talk quickly and a lot.

How do you understand the expression “don’t stick your nose where it doesn’t belong”? (don’t get involved in other people’s conversations; don’t interrupt when adults are talking; don’t disturb people when they busy.)


IN: And now everything is in order

Let's get together to exercise.

Arms to the sides, bent,

Raised up, waved,

We stood up on our toes,

They put their hands down.

We sat down together,

Heels touched...

Girls and boys

They bounce like balls.

Well done! Praise yourself: Put your right arm around your left shoulder and pat yourself on the head with your left hand.

Sit down on the chairs.

IN: Now I’ll read the story to you again, you listen carefully, because then you’ll retell it.

Re-reading the story.

3 - 4 children retell the story. You can use retelling by chain or by role. Each retelling is evaluated.

IN: I suggest you play.

Di "Say the opposite"

1. Maxim is tall, and Vika...

2. Masha has long hair, and Anton...

3. Mom is talking, and daughter...

4. Dad is coming, and son...

5. Sonya is cheerful, and Sasha...

6. Vova is crying, and Vladik...

7. My sister is big, and my brother...

8. Grandfather is old, and grandson...

9. Cinderella is kind, and the stepmother...

Di “What did the artist forget to draw?”

Our Olya asks you to help her. She was drawing a portrait of her friend Kostya, but unexpectedly guests came to her and she did not have time to finish it. She really wanted to give the portrait to her friend. Let's help her, but first let's look at what she didn't finish drawing?

(on the tables there are portraits of a boy on which the details on the face are not completed).

IN: So, what didn’t Olya have time to finish painting? Is there Alice in your portrait?

The child examines his drawing and calls, n- R:

Olya didn’t finish painting her eyes in the portrait. I'll finish drawing Kostya's eyes.

(ask several children).

Children work at tables.

IN: I think Kostya will like the portraits that you helped Olya complete. And Olya thanks you for your help.

Now she can give these portraits to her friend.

Bottom line:

1. Children, what did you do today? class?

2. What did you like most?

You worked very well today class, completed all the tasks. They were friendly...

The teacher, on behalf of the doll Olya, analyzes the children’s work on class.

Games for knowledge of parts of the body and face (consultation for parents)

Are you concerned about your baby's speech? Your child is 4 years old, but his speech is difficult to understand for others? Or maybe he is already 5 years old, but he pronounces certain sounds incorrectly, replaces them with others, or completely misses them?

The first thing you need to do is consult with a speech therapist and follow his recommendations, since articulatory gymnastics only prepares the speech organs for producing sounds, but does not produce them!

Parents are often biased in assessing their child's speech, and they may even like the child's "childish" speech, and some parents encourage "babying", which is absolutely unacceptable.

An experienced specialist will help you not to miss the moment when you need to get serious about correcting your sound pronunciation.

To make it convenient for parents to monitor the timely appearance of sounds in their child’s speech, we offer a table that gives the approximate time frame for the final acquisition of vowel and consonant sounds by children.

The table shows that by the age of 5-6 years a child should master the correct pronunciation of all speech sounds. If this does not happen, then we cannot talk about the so-called age-related tongue-tiedness, when the absence of some sounds or their replacement is acceptable and does not cause serious concern.

A delay in the timely appearance of sounds indicates that there are special reasons that prevent the child from independently mastering sounds. Disorders, deficiencies, and pronunciation defects require special speech therapy assistance.

If you do articulatory gymnastics with a 4-year-old child, this will help him to master the correct sound pronunciation in a timely manner, and for children 5-6 years old - to prepare the articulatory organs for producing those sounds that he could not master on his own.

Before you start classes, you must clearly know what sounds your child has impaired; does he know the names of the parts of his body, articulatory organs and how to navigate them.

Ask your child to show (and show with him) the upper and lower lip, upper and lower teeth, tip of the tongue, front and side teeth, palate, chin, corners of the mouth, right and left cheeks.

Knowledge of body parts and faces can be reinforced in games.

Game "Tale-pointer"

An adult reads a poem and, together with the child, shows parts of the face and articulatory organs. Are you tired yet?
Show me my hand:
This is the right cheek
This is the left cheek.

You are strong, not weak,
Hello, upper lip,
Hello lower lip,
I love you no less!

Lips have one feature -
The smile is locked in them:
To the right - the right corner of the mouth,
To the left - the left corner of the mouth.

Pull your chin down
To make your jaw drop.
There - I’m not used to walking -
The tongue timidly hides.

And around there is a whole row
The lower teeth are:
Side left, right,
In front is a frame of teeth.

Palate instead of ceiling
It is in the mouth near the tongue.
And when the mouth opened,
The tongue went forward.

Interesting picture:
There is a tip, there is a back,
There are side edges -
I know everything about the mouth!

Game “Repeat everything after me, just don’t show your cheeks (nose, belly, teeth...)”

Target. Check your knowledge of parts of the body and face, develop attention.

Move. The adult names and shows parts of the body and face at a fairly fast pace, trying to “outsmart” the child. The child must be careful and not show the “forbidden” part of the body or face.

Before you start doing articulation exercises, you must find out how your child navigates in space: can he show what is on the right, left, in front, behind, above, below; whether he distinguishes between right and left hands. Without this, performing articulatory gymnastics is impossible or extremely difficult for the child.

Game "Funny Figures"

Children are given instructions. For example:
1. “Extend your right hand forward, and close your left eye with your left hand.”
2. “Grip your right ear with your left hand, and your left ear with your right hand.”
3. “Put your left hand on the back of your head, your right hand on your stomach, and place your right foot on your heel.”
Then everything depends on your imagination. Play together with your child.

Exercise "Our hands"

This exercise is performed with small rubber balls.
This handle is right (ball on palm),
This is the left hand (ball on the palm),
I press the ball
And I do exercises:
The right one will be strong (we squeeze the ball in our right fist),
The left will be strong (in the left),
I will have pens
Dexterous, skillful (roll the ball between our palms).

Exercise "Charging"

We perform movements in accordance with the poem.

Hands to the sides, in a fist,
Let's open it to the side (that is, to the belt).
Hands up, into a fist, let's open them and roll onto the side.
Hands forward, in a fist, let's open them to the side.
Hands to the shoulders, in a fist, Unclench and on the side.

Exercise "Magician"

Performed with a rubber ball. Promotes the development of fine motor skills and orientation in space, the correct understanding of prepositions (we definitely use them when explaining the articulatory gymnastics exercise).
Behind the hand (the ball is hidden from the viewer behind the palm and held with the thumb) and under the hand (straight hand, palm down, the thumb holds the ball).
From under the hand to rest (the ball is taken with the second hand from under the palm of the hand holding it and placed on the back of the hand).
The ball is circling over the hand (one hand is straight, palm down, the other hand with the ball is circling above it),
Now he’s running away from her (the hand with the ball seems to move away from the other hand).
Hold it between your fingers (respectively),
And put it in your palm (respectively).
Along the palm (roll from the fingertips to the middle of the palm),
Through the finger (roll over the thumb lying on the palm).
And dance around the wrist (we circle around the wrist of one hand).

"Speech therapy exercises. Articulation gymnastics." T.A. Vorobyova, O.I. Krupenchuk

Goals: introduce children to parts of the human body; teach how to form plural nouns; learn to compose sentences using visual material; teach to distinguish between the right and left hand, leg, etc.; consolidate vocabulary on this topic; develop attention.

Equipment: demonstration material - pictures of people, toiletries; handout - envelopes for each child with geometric shapes.

Progress of the lesson

1. Organizational moment

The speech therapist displays a series of pictures: girl, boy, man, woman, grandmother, grandfather. Children remember the sequence and pronounce it (the sequence of pictures changes several times).

What is the name of what is drawn in these pictures in one word? (People, man.)

Who do you think we will talk about? (About a person, about yourself.)

The speech therapist shows a drawing of a person.

What is the largest part of the human body called? (torso.) The speech therapist shows where the chest, stomach, back are, then asks riddles:

1. For the little animal - on the top of the head, and for us - below the eyes. (Ears)

- What are ears for?

2. Two Egorkas live near the hill, they live together,

And they don't look at each other. (Eyes.)

What are eyes for?

3. He can be very different: Kind, harmful, Proud, important, Long, small, hunchbacked, Fat, thin, freckled. (Nose.)

What is the nose for?

A person also has a forehead, cheeks, eyebrows, eyelashes, nostrils, lips, and chin.

(Children show the named parts of their faces.)

2. Didactic game “One - many”

Ear - ears, neck - ..., eye - ..., hair - ..., head - ..., nostril - ..., chin - ..., eyebrow - ..., face - ..., nose - ..., mouth - ..., elbow - ... .

3. Physical education minute

Girls and boys

Children jumping on the spot

They bounce like balls.

They stomp their feet - stomp,

Hands clap - clap

They nod their heads - nod,

And quietly squat - squat slowly.

Guys, what were you clapping for just now? (With hands.)

Show your right hand, your left.

The speech therapist names the parts of the hand, and the children point to themselves (fingers,nails, palm, elbow, shoulder).

What did you stomp on? (With legs.) Similar work is being carried out.

4. Didactic game “Choose the words” The speech therapist asks the children one by one the following questions:

What eyes do you have? (My eyes are beautiful, gray, big andetc.).

What kind of hair do you have? (My hair is thick, long, shinypulling, etc.)

What are your nose, mouth, ears like? (Similar work is being done.)

5. Reading and discussion of an excerpt from a poem by K.I. Chukovsky "Moidodyr"

Oh you ugly one, oh you dirty one,

Unwashed pig!

You are blacker than a chimney sweep, admire yourself.

There's polish on your neck,

There's a blot under your nose,

You have such hands that even your trousers have come off,

Even pants, even pants

They ran away from you.

Guys, who do you think these poems are about? (About a slob, a dirty person.)

What should you do to be clean? (Wash your face, wash your hands,body, etc.)

Show me how to do it.

Children stand one after another and imitate movements, showing how they wash themselves, wash their hands, feet and other parts of the body.

A person must be neat and clean. It is always a pleasure to communicate with such a person. To do this, you need to wash your hands, comb your hair, clean and iron your clothes, and clean your shoes every day.

6. Didactic game “What things a person needs to be clean and tidy”

Various items are laid out on the table: toothbrush, soap, iron, washcloth, etc.

Children choose any object and make sentences.

For example: A person needs a comb to comb his hair, etc.

7. Educational task - make a human figure

8. Summary of the lesson

Children name the main parts of the human body in a “chain”.

Fastening material

I. Repeat the names of body parts and be able to name and show them on yourself, on a doll, on another person. To know what we see with our eyes, hear with our ears, breathe through our nose, etc.

I. Grammatical structure of speech and word formation.

1. Making sentences on this topic with prepositions: on, in, behind, between, about, before.

2. Formation of plural nouns. For example: ear - ears, neck - necks, etc.

3. Formation of nouns with a diminutive suffix.

For example: nose - nose, mouth - mouth, etc.

4. Selection of antonym words.

For example: big - small, high - short, thin - thick, long - short.

5. Agreement of numerals with nouns. Didactic game "Count".

Thematic plan

Summary of a lesson on the development of lexical-semantic components of speech of children of a speech therapy preparatory group on the topic: “Parts of the human body”

Description of material: I offer you a summary of a lesson on the development of lexical-semantic components of speech of children in a speech therapy preparatory group on the topic: “Parts of the human body.” This material will be useful to speech therapists and kindergarten teachers.

Thinking correction training based on recognition operations.
To consolidate children's knowledge about parts of the human body, their purpose, and careful treatment of them.
Practice composing and using complex sentences with the preposition “for” in speech; use of the grammatical category of the dative case.
Practice using different meanings of polysemantic words.
Continue familiarization with phraseological units.
Activate children's vocabulary, develop the ability to construct sentences correctly, and think logically.
Equipment: poster about human structure; pictures depicting parts of the human body; layout of a web and figure eights for eye gymnastics, stencils of the human body, colored pencils, tape recorder, cassette, pictures for multiple meanings: nose, tongue.

Progress of the lesson.
I. Organizational moment
Today in class there will be a lot of interesting and useful things. Sit back comfortably:
II. I want to tell you riddles:
1. Two neighbors are restless.
Day at work, night at rest. (Eyes).
2. If it weren’t for him, I wouldn’t have said anything. (Language).
Polysemy of the word: language.
3. Between two luminaries, I am alone in the middle. (Nose).
4. All their lives they have been racing,
But they cannot overtake each other. (Legs).
5. Two mothers have five sons each,
One name for everyone. (Fingers, hands).
- Guys, tell me, what did I ask riddles about? (About parts of the human body)
Today we will talk about this in class.
III. But first I want to tell you the (comic) story “Head”.
- Listen carefully.
Once upon a time the head lived. It had a crown at the top, a nape at the back, ears on the sides, and a face in front. The head had a throne - a neck. And the neck was friends with the body, the neck treasured the body. The torso had arms and legs. The arms had shoulder blades and the feet had heels. The hands had elbows and the fingers had claws. All parts of the body are important, all parts are needed by a person!
IV. Guys, tell me, what parts of the body are we talking about in this story?
Children's answers.
- Why do you think a person needs eyes? (In order to see the world around..)
- How should you protect your eyes? (Don't watch TV close..)
- Yes, guys, the eyes get tired very often and they need to be given a rest.
Let's do eye exercises now.
Explain the meaning of the phrase: We see a speck in someone else’s eye, but we don’t notice a log in our own.
V. Exercise “Shooting with the eyes; blink your eyes; follow with your eyes the spider that moves along the web, multi-colored eights.”
- Guys, what are ears for? (Children's answers).
- How should they be protected? (Children's answers).
Explain the phraseological phrase: The bear stepped on the ear.
- Guys, on the earlobe there are many vessels that help different organs work. Let's rub our earlobes with our fingers. (This is pleasant for the ear and good for the organs).
- Guys, what is a nose for? (Children's answers).
- How should it be protected? (Children's answers).
- Let's breathe correctly (diaphragmatic breathing; noisy inhale and exhale slowly, counting to 5).
- Polysemy of the word: nose.
Explain the expressions: “Don’t poke your nose into someone else’s business”, “Hit your own nose”.
- What do we need hands for?

- Phraseological phrase “Golden hands”
- What are legs for?
- How to take care of them? (Children's answers).
Posture exercise “Tree”.
VI. Reading a poem by Marshak.
We are given one head,
And two eyes and two ears.
And two temples, and two hands,
But there is one nose and mouth.
And if we have it the other way around
One leg, one arm,
But two mouths, two tongues -
If only we knew
What they ate and chatted.
VII. - Guys, please tell me why a person has 2? (2 organs each?) (Children’s answers).
- Why does a person have 1? (Children's answers).
VIII. And now we will play the game “Fourth Wheel”. Listen carefully.
Head, hat, palm, neck
Collar, fingers, leg, palm
Leg, foot, knee, boots
Eyes, nose, glasses, palm
IX. Physical education minute.
X. – Guys, now think and answer:
1. How many eyes do two children have? (Two children have four eyes).
2. How many ears do the three boys have?
3. How many fingers are there on two hands?
4. How many toes are on your right foot?
5. How many noses do the four boys have?
6. How many fingers are there on two hands and two feet?
XI. Now let’s play with our fingers and prepare them for the next task. (Finger gymnastics).
XII. And now we will outline the outline of the human figure and complete the missing parts. Be careful. Look at each other and remember.
Children trace and draw while listening to calm music.
XIII. Summary of the lesson.
Look what beautiful people we have. Today we talked about the parts of the human body, played different games and made sure that all parts are very necessary for a person, all are important to him.
The lesson is over. Thanks to all.

Summary of educational activities in the compensatory preparatory group with severe speech impairments