Social studies test on the topic: “Social and humanitarian knowledge and professional activities.” (Grade 10, profile level).  Aphorisms and quotes about imagination Nothing strikes my imagination more

Social studies test on the topic: “Social and humanitarian knowledge and professional activities.” (Grade 10, profile level). Aphorisms and quotes about imagination Nothing strikes my imagination more

The imaginary wealth of knowledge is the main reason for its poverty.
F. Bacon

To imagine oneself great because of rank and wealth is to imagine that a pedestal makes one a hero.
M. Leshchinskaya

Imagination is a hot horse, often throwing its rider off the saddle.
R. Southey

Imagination makes a sensitive man an artist, and a courageous man a hero.
A. France

Imagination is the tallest kite a person can fly.
L. Beycall

The imagination of a poet, dejected by grief, is like a foot enclosed in a new boot.
Kozma Prutkov

Nothing harms the imagination more than assigning it a purpose and subordinating it to a system.

Imagination is the only place in the universe where one can live.
Nicholas Gomez Davila

A man without imagination is a man without wings.
Muhammad Ali

We are trying to connect our own individual consciousness to what is called the higher consciousness. Sometimes in this elevated state we allow ourselves to imagine what we want. And the fruits of imagination change our lives.
Mandy Aftel

Imagination is more important than knowledge.
Albert Einstein

You can't rely on your own eyes if your imagination is out of focus.
Mark Twain

Imagination is something that many simply cannot imagine.
Gabriel Laub

If it were not for our imagination, we would be as happy in the arms of a maid as in the arms of a duchess.
Samuel Johnson

Imagination! Without this quality one cannot be a poet, a philosopher, an intelligent person, a thinking being, or just a person.
Denis Diderot

Those who are not capable of inventing fables have only one way out - to tell them.
Luc de Clapier Vauvenargues

Everything is in the imagination. Follow nature, you will never be poor. Follow people's opinions and you will never be rich.
Denis Ivanovich Fonvizin

Imagination is a frisky filly. One bad thing: there are too many roads in front of her.
Charles Lamb

Imagination is a great gift that has contributed so much to the development of mankind.
Karl Marx

Unlimited imagination creates an imaginary reality.
Mikhail Evgrafovich Saltykov-Shchedrin

As long as I realize that the images I evoke belong only to my imagination, as long as I amuse myself with them, I have power over them and am free to get rid of them whenever I want. But as soon as the brightness of the evoked images blinded me, as soon as I forgot my power over them, this power disappeared.
Dmitry Ivanovich Pisarev

Lovers, madmen and poets
Merged from one imagination!..
Fedor Ivanovich Tyutchev

Science does not know what it owes to the imagination.
Ralph Waldo Emerson

Imagination is the eyes of the soul.
Joseph Joubert

He who has imagination but no knowledge has wings but no legs.
Joseph Joubert

The desire for something new is the first need of the human imagination.

Imagination is the primary stage and basis of all poetry.
Federico Garcia Lorca

Imagination is synonymous with the ability to discover.
Federico Garcia Lorca

Imagination is one of the most essential methods of literary technique that creates an image.
Maksim Gorky

Imagination is what imagination is for, to make up for reality.
Vasily Osipovich Klyuchevsky

Imagination, born of life, in turn sometimes gains power over life.

The dazzling sun of imagination lights up only from touching the earth. It cannot burn in emptiness. It goes out in her.
Konstantin Georgievich Paustovsky

A wonderful imagination is as necessary for the historian as for the poet, for without imagination nothing can be seen, nothing can be understood.
Anatole France

Nowhere is the uniqueness of a person more evident than in the results of his imagination.
Alfred Adler

Aesop's dog, which threw a piece of meat to cling to its reflection in the water, lost a piece of meat, but rose a step higher on the path to freedom of imagination.
Alfred North Whitehead

We are unable to imagine two colors together and at the same time except next to each other.
Wilhelm Dilthey

Imagination is stronger than experience.
Gaston Bachelard

For primitive man, thinking is the concentration of imagination; for civilized man, imagination is relaxation of thought.
Gaston Bachelard

Imagination and a sense of prestige always dominate our relations with the “other.”
Maurice Merleau-Ponty

A person can live by imagination.
Maurice Merleau-Ponty

To live in imagination means to appear in a false form that allows one to hide.
Paul Ricoeur

Imagination rules the world.
Napoleon I

The wealth of associations does not always indicate a wealth of imagination.
Karol Izhikowski

Many people confuse their imagination with their memory.
Henry Wheeler Shaw

We are all heroes of our own novels.
Mary McCarthy

Men don't even know how much they owe to women's imagination.
Yanina Ipohorskaya

Let's leave beautiful women to people without imagination.
Marcel Proust

Wise thoughts

(November 30, 1835, Florida, Missouri - April 21, 1910, Redding, Connecticut; buried in Elmira, New York)

Outstanding American writer, journalist and public figure. His work covers many genres - realism, romanticism, humor, satire, philosophical fiction, journalism, etc., and in all these genres he invariably takes the position of a humanist and democrat.

Quote: 358 - 374 of 592

No one lies when they pray.

No one could live with a man who constantly told the truth; Thank God, none of us are in danger.

No one condones the devil, everyone condemns him, but they do it without insolence, with a degree of respect.

I have not done anything like this and am not going to do anything like this throughout my life (about the newspaper report about my death).

Nothing needs correction more than other people's habits.

Nothing amazes as much as a miracle, except the naivety with which it is taken for granted.

Nothing needs correction more than other people's habits.

At night the storm reached unprecedented strength. The ship tilted sharply, and everything: passengers, tables, cards, bottles rolled across the deck with a crash. A choir of fifty voices cried out: “God, save us and have mercy!” But one voice, ringing and clear, drowned out these lamentations: “Brothers, don’t forget, I announced seven in tambourines!”

You need to stand on your head to get the most out of the sunset, and you need to frame the landscape in a thick, massive frame to extract all its beauty.

About the Mormon Bible:
There are people who require mountains of evidence before they find the strength to even partially believe anything, but I, when a person tells me that he “saw the writing on the tablets,” and - not only that - an angel was present and saw , as he saw, and probably took a proper receipt from him, then I already feel that I have gone far along the path of unconditional faith, even if I have never heard of this man and do not know the name of the angel, nor what he is of nationality.

About the years when money was tight:
Necessity gives birth to courage. I have no doubt that if at that time I had been offered to translate the Talmud from Hebrew, I would have taken it, and at the same time I would have tried to introduce as much fiction into it as possible for the same money.

About Gold Rush California:
Concerned crowds of people were scurrying through the streets, work was in full swing everywhere, there was laughter, music, swearing, people danced, quarreled, shot and slaughtered each other, every evening for breakfast the newspapers served their readers a fresh corpse - murder and inquest - in a word, there was everything here what decorates life.

About German student duelists:
If you see a German with a disfigured face, you can never be sure whether he was maimed in the war or simply received a higher education.

About singer Adeline Patti:
I would rather sleep with Adelina Patti completely naked than with General Grant in full uniform.
(Ulysses Grant - US President, hero of the Civil War 1861 - 1865)

About Jane Austen's novels:
When I pick up one of Jane Austen's novels, I feel like a saloon owner entering the kingdom of heaven. I know how he would have felt and how he would have commented on what he saw. Heaven would not have been to his taste, and he probably would have said so.

About tamarinds, a Hawaiian fruit:
Tamarinds are eaten only by visitors, and only once in their lives.

About King Solomon (from The Adventures of Huckleberry Finn):
– Haven’t you heard about the harem? Solomon had it too. And he had almost a million wives.
- Well, there must be some noise in their nursery! Moreover, I think these same wives argue all the time, and this only makes more noise. They also say that Solomon was the first sage in the world! I don't believe this one bit. Would a smart person live in such a mess? No, it won't. A smart person will go ahead and build a boiler plant, but if he wants peace and quiet, he will go ahead and close it.

Option 1.

A1. Who first introduced the term “sociology” into scientific circulation?

    M. Weber 3) O. Comte

    K. Marx 4) G. Leibniz.

A2. Who formulated the following maxim: “I only know that I know nothing”?

    Seneca 3) Aristotle

    Socrates 4) Anaximander.

A3. The caste system is a common feature of many ancient Eastern civilizations, but in one state it manifested itself with the greatest force. What kind of state is this in the Ancient East?

    China 3) India

    Babylon 4) Egypt.

A4. Term philosophy appears:

    in Ancient China 3) in Ancient Egypt

    in Ancient India 4) in Ancient Greece.

A5. Confucianism is:

    body of martial arts

    ethical standards

    legal norms

    collection of myths.

A6. Name a European philosopher who belongs to the philosophy of existentialism

    Hegel 3) Sartre

    Feuerbach 4) Galbraith.

A7. What does Marxism mean by socialism?

    Society of the future

    The first (lowest) phase of the communist formation

    Socio-economic formation following capitalism

    A type of imperialism.

A8. What did the monk T. Campanella call the book in which he outlined his project for an ideal social system?

    "Utopia" 3) "Politics"

A9. What does the concept mean?sociology ?

    The doctrine of society as an integral system

    Science that studies man

    Science that studies individual social groups of society

    The doctrine of the political structure of society.

A10. What does the Latin word mean when translated into Russian, from which the philosophical movement of the 20th century took its name? existentialism?

    essence 3) human existence

    existence 4) desire for infinity.

A11. Which of the great philosophers said that “nothing strikes my imagination as much as the starry sky above my head and the moral law within me”?

    L. Feuerbach 3) G. Hegel

    I. Kant 4) D. Diderot.

A12. Name one of themincorrect

    monarchy 3) tyranny

    polity 4) aristocracy.

A13. Name one of the representatives of French utopian socialism of the 18th century.

    R. Owen 3) D. Diderot

    Voltaire 4) C. Fourier.

A14. Which Dutch scientist of the first half of the 17th century, who laid the foundations of the science of state and law, was the first to put forward the idea of ​​a social contract?

    B. Spinoza 3) T. Hobbes

    G. Grotius 4) J. Locke.

A15. Who was the first in the history of European thought to put forward the idea of ​​an ideal utopian state?

    Aristotle 3) T. Campanella

    Plato 4) T. More.

    K. Marx and F. Engels

    A. Smith and D. Ricardo

    T. More and F. Bacon

    Voltaire and D. Diderot.

A17. The idea of ​​Russia’s originality, its fundamental difference from the countries of Western Europe, was proclaimed

    Slavophiles 3) social democrats

    Westerners 4) Cadets.

A18. One of the founders of the philosophy of technocracy is

    A. Smith 3) F. Engels

    E. Bernstein 4) J. Galbraith.

A19. Concept Taoism translated as

    Teaching about the path

    Doctrine of the Noble Man

    Doctrine of Peace

    Teaching about God.

A20. The first source of philosophical wisdom of Ancient India was

    sagas 3) laws

    epics 4) Vedas.

IN 1. The doctrine of the eternal cycle of life and the law of retribution - Karma - is an integral part of …………….. …………….. philosophy.

AT 2. Fill in the missing concepts: “A. Smith identified three main conditions for the prosperity of the state:

    dominance…………….. ………………….. ;

    non-interference…………………………. into economics;

    absence of obstacles to development……………………. …………………………..”

AT 3. Establish a correspondence between the leaders of various movements of Marxism and their beliefs: for each position given in the first column, select the corresponding position from the second column.


A) V. Lenin 1) The policy of partial reforms will allow capitalism to gradually transform in a socialist direction; “goal is nothing, movement is everything”

B) E. Bernstein 2) The party of the proletariat is the leading and guiding force, without which it is impossible to conquer the dictatorship of the proletariat and build a communist society.

AT 4. For each science in the left column, select the definition in the right column. Remember: the definition of science answers the question of what the discipline studies.


    psychology A) population, fertility and mortality processes, migration, life expectancy

    sociology B) behavior of animals and humans, processes of perception, thinking, awareness, memorization.

    demography B) interaction of social groups, functioning of social institutions, social structure of society.

AT 5. Below is a list of terms. All of them, with the exception of one, belong to the philosophical schools of Ancient India.

Vedas, Upanishads, karma, Tao, four noble truths.


Read the text and complete tasks C1 – C3.

Plato is an ancient Greek philosopher and social thinker, one of the founders of political science. He developed a model of an ideal state. One of the most famous works was “The State”.

“They say that doing injustice is usually good, but tolerating it is bad. However, when you suffer injustice, there is much more bad in it than there is good when you do it. Therefore, when people tasted both of them, that is, they acted unfairly and suffered from injustice, then, since they had no strength to avoid one and stick to the other, they found it expedient to come to an agreement with each other so as not to commit injustice and not to suffer from her. This is where legislation and mutual agreement originated. The establishments of the law received the name legal and just - this is the origin and essence of justice.

Now we are sculpting in our imagination a state that we believe is happy, but not in one particular part of it, not so that only some people are happy in it, but so that it is happy as a whole.”

C1. What is meant in the document by injustice and justice?

Test No. 1 on the topic “Social and humanitarian knowledge and professional activity.”

Grade 10. Profile level.

Option 2.

A1. What does the concept mean?sociology ?

    the doctrine of society as an integral system

    science that studies humans

    science that studies individual social groups of society

    the doctrine of socio-economic formation.

A2. Which of the great philosophers formulated the principle “cogito ergo sum” as the motto of their philosophy, which means, translated from Latin, “I think, therefore I am”?

    G. Leibniz 3) M. Montel

    R. Descartes 4) J. Locke.

A3. What is defined in Marxism as “a historical type of society based on a specific mode of production”?


    political superstructure


    socio-economic formation.

A4. What's happened social contract ?

    legal concept of concluding international agreements

    philosophical and legal doctrine that explains the emergence of state power by agreement between people

    concept meaning an agreement between two nation states

    a type of agreement that is established between legal entities.

A5. Name one of the main ideas underlying utopian socialism.

    the idea of ​​establishing a dictatorship of the proletariat

    idea of ​​socialist revolution

    idea of ​​equality

    the idea of ​​class struggle.

A6. Name the most famous work of N. Machiavelli, in which he describes ways to create a strong state.

    “Sovereign” 3) “About the Citizen”

    “Code of Nature” 4) “City of the Sun”.

A7. What philosophical direction unites these names: Zh.P. Sartre, A. Camus, M. Heidegger?

    existentialism 3) neo-Thomism

A8. Which statement is correct? G. Spencer identified the following types of society:

A. Military, with forced cooperation.

B. Industrial, with voluntary cooperation.

1) only A 3 is correct) Both A and B are true

A9. Name the very first ancient Greek thinkers who gave rise to ancient Greek philosophy.

    Democritus, Socrates 3) Heraclitus, Pythagoras

    Thales, Anaximenes 4) Plato, Aristotle.

A10. Name one of themcorrect forms of state according to Aristotle

    monarchy 3) tyranny

    oligarchy 4) ochlocracy.

A11. What's happened price ?

    individual costs of a specific commodity producer

    market price of a product

    O socially necessary labor spent on the production of goods

    the difference between the cost of producing a good and the price at which the good is sold.

A12. What does the sociological concept of technocracy assert?

    the inevitability of the victory of the scientific and technological revolution

    the need to establish the power of engineers and technical specialists, exercised in the interests of the whole society

    the need to subordinate the entire life of society to scientific forecasting and regulation

    the need to modernize all aspects of society.

A13. What is the source of surplus value?

    unpaid labor of hired workers

    excess value over the original advance cost

    unequal exchange in the market

    the capitalist's desire for super-profits.

A14. Before K. Marx, the theory of labor value was developed in the works of:

    W. Petty 3)A. Smith and D. Ricardo

    T. Hobbes 4) D. Diderot and J. J. Rousseau.

A15. K. Marx and F. Engels considered the determining factor in the life of society:


    moral perfection of man

    material production


A16. Both Westerners and Slavophiles were:

    monarchists 3) socialists

    liberals 4) revolutionaries.

A17. What concept does this definition correspond to:

“The current of philosophical thought, which is based on the doctrine that Russia is Eurasia, the third middle continent, the era of Western dominance should be replaced by the leadership of Eurasia”?

    Westernism 3) deism

    Slavophilism 4) Eurasianism

A18. The theory according to which a person, in order to realize his natural rights, can act as a partner of the state, giving up part of his rights in exchange for the state ensuring his security and property

    collective agreement theory

    patriarchal theory

    social contract theory

    psychological theory

A19. Utopian socialistNot is

    T. Campanella 3) F. Bacon

    T. More 4) R. Owen

A20. The statement: “The main source of wealth is labor” belongs to

    E. Bernstein 3) A. Saint-Simon

    A. Smith 4) Voltaire

IN 1. Fill in the words in place of the blanks.

The sciences of anthropology, anatomy, physiology, biochemistry study man as an………………….. organism.

Man as …………………………, as a subject………………… of life is the subject of study of psychology, philosophy, sociology, ethics, pedagogy, and jurisprudence.

AT 2. For each science in the left column, select the definition in the right column. Remember: the definition of science answers the question of what the discipline studies.


    Economics A) the past of humanity in the variety of specific events and facts, patterns of social development.

    Ethnography B) production, exchange, distribution and consumption of goods and services, a system of market relations.

    History B) everyday and cultural characteristics of the peoples of the world, problems of their origin, settlement and relationships.

AT 3. You have judgments in front of you. Some of them undoubtedly belong to sociology, while others belong to psychology. Match the judgments and the name of the science.

    Sociology A) Elite is the highest stratum that occupies key positions in any sphere of society.

D) A person becomes a professional worker by the age of 30.

AT 4. Fill in the missing word:





AT 5. Below is a list of terms. All of them, with the exception of one, belong to the philosophical schools of Ancient China.

Yin, yang, Tao, son of Heaven, karma, noble husband.

Find and indicate a term that falls out of the general series.


N. Machiavelli “The Prince”.

“A dispute may arise about what is better: for the sovereign to be loved or to be feared. They say that it is best when they are afraid and loved at the same time; however, love does not go well with fear; Therefore, if you have to choose, then it is safer to choose fear. For about people in general it can be said that they are ungrateful and fickle, prone to hypocrisy and deceit, that they are scared away by danger and attracted by profit; As long as you do good to them, they are yours with all their souls, they promise to spare nothing for you: neither blood, nor life, nor children, nor property, but when you need them, they will immediately turn away from you. And bad things will happen to that sovereign who, trusting their promises, does not take any measures in case of danger. For friendship, which is given for money, and not acquired by the greatness and nobility of the soul, can be bought, but cannot be kept in order to use it in difficult times. Moreover, people are less afraid of offending someone who inspires them with love than someone who inspires them with fear, for love is supported by gratitude, which people, being bad, can neglect for their own benefit, while fear is supported by the threat of punishment, which cannot be neglected.

So, returning to the debate about whether it is better for the sovereign to be loved or to be feared, I will say that they love sovereigns at their own discretion, and fear them at the discretion of sovereigns, therefore it is better for a wise ruler to count on what depends on him, and not on someone else's; “The only important thing is to under no circumstances incur the hatred of your subjects.”

C3. Which ruler is considered wise?

C4. What types of government are we talking about and how were they presented in world history?

Test No. 1 on the topic “Social and humanitarian knowledge and professional activity.”

Grade 10. Profile level.

Option 3.

A1.What is epistemology?

    A branch of philosophy that studies the nature of knowledge and its possibilities.

    A set of religious doctrines about the essence of God.

    A branch of philosophy that studies the fundamental nature of existence.

    Christian moral values.

A2. Are the following judgments about mythological consciousness true?

A. Everything that directly affects the mind, will and feeling is reality.

B. The mythological consciousness of ancient peoples was characterized by the perception of the world as an arena for the struggle of divine and demonic, cosmic and chaotic forces.

1) only A 3 is correct) Both A and B are true

2) only B is true 4) both judgments are incorrect.

A3. What type of government did Plato consider ideal, as the rule of the best and noble?

    democratic 3) oligarchic

    aristocratic 4) theocratic.

A4. Are the following statements about ancient myths true?

A. In ancient myths, the idea of ​​creation stands out.

B. Ancient myths are based on the idea of ​​development.

1) only A 3 is correct) Both A and B are true

2) only B is true 4) both judgments are incorrect.

A5. What relations did K. Marx and F. Engels single out as the main ones in production relations?

    Property relations

    Distribution relations

    Exchange relationship

    Relations with the state.

A6. Which statement is correct? According to existentialists, a person finds his essence:

A. After birth, i.e. its nature is predetermined.

B. Man makes himself.

1) only A 3 is correct) Both A and B are true

2 ) Only B is true 4) both judgments are incorrect

A7. What concept does this definition correspond to:

“The most ancient and fundamental science that establishes the most general patterns of development of nature and society”?

    history 3) economics

    philosophy 4) political science

A8. What philosophical category is used to designate the internal content of an object, expressed in the unity of all its diverse properties and relationships?

    phenomenon 3) criterion

    essence 4) abstraction.

A9. What science studies society as an integral system, as well as individual social institutions, processes, groups, considering them in connection with the social whole?

    sociology 3) political science

    political economy 4) social psychology.

A10. In what century did the term first appear?sociology?

    in XV 2) in XVII 3) in XIX 4) in XX.

A11. Which French philosopher, expressing his attitude towards the church, called: “Crush the reptile!”?

    J.J. Rousseau 3) D. Diderot

    Voltaire 4) J.O. La Mettrie

A12. Which of the following religions arose later than the others?

    Christianity 3) Buddhism

    Islam 4) Judaism.

A13. What concept does this definition correspond to:

“The value created by the worker’s labor in surplus time is the result of the worker’s labor unpaid by the capitalists”?

    cost of goods

    use value

    surplus value

    labor cost.

A14. Name a philosopher who was a supporter of the philosophy of existentialism

    Sartre 2) Galbraith 3) Hegel 4) Feuerbach.

A15. Name the supporters of the “social contract” theory

    A. Ruge, B. Bauer, L. Feuerbach

    D. Diderot, T. Hobbes, J.J. Rousseau

    J.L. Gay-Lussac, K. Ruprecht, W. Heisenberg

    O. Comte, G. Spencer, A. Smith.

A16. T. Hobbes called the pre-state state of society

    savagery 3) war of all against all

    barbarism 4) primitive society.

A17. The ideology of the Slavophiles included the following principle:

    idealization of the past




A18. In accordance with Marxist theory, the main productive force of any society is:

    people with knowledge and work skills

    people in public service

    people with private property

    people belonging to the most revolutionary class - the proletariat.

A19. To the Enlightenment PhilosophersNot applies :

    Voltaire 3) Montesquieu

    Fourier 4) Diderot.

A20. Capitalism, according to the theory of K. Marx, must be replaced by a new socio-economic formation

    socialist 3) civilizational

    technocratic 4) communist.

IN 1. Fill in the missing concepts.

K. Marx believed that society develops according to the following laws:

1) …………… ………………. determines public consciousness.

2) plays a decisive role in the life of society……………………. production.

3) industrial relations must correspond to the nature and level…………………..

…………………………. .

AT 2. Fill in the missing word. The statement: “the victory of the socialist revolution is initially possible in a few or even in one individual capitalist country” belongs to…………………………….. .

AT 3. For each science in the left column, select the definition in the right column. Remember: the definition of science answers the question of what the discipline studies.


    Anthropology A) relations of domination and subordination, government structure and institutions of power, regimes of government.

    Political science B) population, fertility and mortality processes, migration, life expectancy.

    Demography C) the origin and evolution of man, the formation of human races, normal variations in the physical structure of man.

AT 4. You have judgments in front of you. Some of them undoubtedly belong to sociology, while others belong to psychology. Match the judgments and the name of the science.

    Sociology A) In an extreme situation, decision-making processes accelerate.

    Psychology B) The higher the level of education, the greater the chances for social advancement.

C) Elite is the highest stratum that occupies key positions in some area of ​​society.

D) Reflexes are divided into innate and acquired.

AT 5. Below are the names of the philosophers. All of them, with the exception of one, belong to the philosophers of Ancient Greece.

Thales, Anaximenes, Confucius, Plato, Socrates, Aristotle.

Find and indicate a term that falls out of the general series.


Read the text and complete tasks C1 – C4.

Aristotle "Politics"

“The community that naturally arises to satisfy everyday needs is the family. A community consisting of several families and aimed at serving not only short-term needs is a village. A society consisting of several villages is a completely completed state, which arose for the needs of life, but exists for the sake of achieving a good life. It follows that every state is a product of natural origin, just like primary communications. From all that has been said, it is clear that the state belongs to what exists by nature, and that man by nature is a political being.

We consider as citizens those who participate in court and in the people's assembly. A citizen is related to the state in the same way as a sailor on a ship is to the rest of the crew. Although seafarers do not occupy equal positions on a ship, safe navigation is the goal to which all seafarers collectively and each of them individually strive. The same applies to citizens: although they are not the same, their task is to save the community they form, and this community is the state system.

A person living outside the state can be compared to a lonely pawn on a chessboard, having no meaning, no meaning, no value without the surrounding pieces. Man is a social being to a much greater extent than ants, bees or other herd animals, and this is what distinguishes him from all other living beings. Only a person is able to distinguish between good and evil, justice and injustice, but outside the state there are no relationships or actions in which these qualities would be manifested. Therefore, the state turns out to be primary in relation to the family, and to the clan, and to each individual person, just as the whole is primary in relation to its parts. For example, a hand separated from the body loses the opportunity to realize its main function, which means it ceases to be a hand itself, i.e. it remains a hand only in name, but not in essence. So is an individual person in comparison with the state.”

C1. What does Aristotle see as the purpose of the state?

C2. What, according to the philosopher, are the reasons for the emergence of the state?

C3. Who does Aristotle consider citizens?

C4. Does the citizen exist for the state or the state for the citizen? How does a philosopher answer this question? What do you think?

Test No. 1 on the topic “Social and humanitarian knowledge and professional activity.”

Grade 10. Profile level.

Option 4.

A1. The main sources of understanding the surrounding world at an early stage before state social development were

    laws 3) religious norms

    myths 4) moral standards.

A2. According to Greek mythology, fire gave people

    Neptune 2) Prometheus 3) Achilles 4) Hercules.

A3. Finish the sentence. Yoga is one of the ways to liberate the soul, the purpose of which is

    Showcase your wonderful abilities

    Capture the imagination of others

    Achieve a state that will help free the soul from the shackles of karma

    Connect with the world's mind.

    Aristotle 2) Confucius 3) Plato 4) Epicurus.

A5. Aristotle believed that the backbone of the state should be

    lower strata of society

    middle strata of society

    upper classes

    gifted individuals are philosophers.

    T. Hobbes 2) J. Locke 3) J.J. Rousseau 4) C. Montesquieu.

A7. A theory suggesting a gradual transition of public administration into the hands of the engineering and technical intelligentsia

    technocratism 3) energyism

    existentialism 4) socialism.

A8. What is the name of T. Hobbes’s work, in which he outlined his views on society and the state and developed the idea of ​​a “social contract”?

    “On the State” 3) “On the Law of War and Peace”

    "Leviathan" 4) "City of the Sun."

A9. Who was the first in the history of European thought to put forward the idea of ​​an ideal utopian state?

    Aristotle 2) Plato 3) T. More 4) T. Campanella.

A10. Which concept corresponds to the following definition:

“Borderline discipline, which studies human behavior, feelings and motivation in a group situation, studies the social basis of personality formation”?

    sociology 3) philosophy

    psychology 4) social psychology.

A11. Who first introduced the term into scientific circulationsociology ?

    M. Weber 2) K. Marx3 ) O. Comte 4) A. Smith.

A12. Who owns the following statement: “You cannot step into the same river twice”?

    Plato 2) Heraclitus 3) Cicero 4) Epicurus.

A13. What did the word meandemocracy the ancient Greeks?

    equal rights 3) power of the people

    equal opportunities 4) power of the elected.

A14. The monuments of ancient Indian culture include:

    Upanishads 3) Tibetan Book of the Dead

    Epic of Gilgamesh 4) Books of Kings.

A15. Which concept corresponds to the following definition:

“A historical stage of social development, based on a certain method of production, with its own base and superstructure”?

    Mode of production

    Socio-economic formation

    Surplus value

    Social existence.

A16. Name one of the representatives of French utopian socialism of the 18th century.

    R. Owen 2) Voltaire 3) C. Fourier 4) T. More.

A17. Name the most famous work of N. Machiavelli, in which he describes ways to create a strong state.

    "History of Florence"


    "About the Citizen"


A18. What did the monk T. Campanella call the book in which he outlined his project for an ideal social system?


    "Nature Code"

    "City of Sun"


A19. What concept does the following definition correspond to: “Description of a profession, information about its characteristics and characteristics of professional activity”?

    professionogram 3) resume

    essay 4) empathy.

A20. What philosophical direction unites these names: Zh.P. Sartre, A. Camus, M. Heidegger?

    existentialism 3) neo-Hegelianism

    neo-Kantianism 4) technocracy.

IN 1. The thesis that a person’s fate is determined by “heaven” and that people are divided into “noble” and “low” cannot be changed belongs to the philosophy of ………………….. .

AT 2. According to the views of V. Solovyov, history is personified by three forces:

    Muslim East

    ………………. …………………..

    ………………. ………………….

AT 3. . You have judgments in front of you. Some of them undoubtedly belong to sociology, while others belong to psychology. Match the judgments and the name of the science.

    Sociology A) The higher the level of education, the greater the chances for social advancement.

    Psychology B) The manager’s thinking is stereotypical, and the entrepreneur’s is innovative.

C) Reflexes are divided into congenital and acquired.

D) a person becomes a regular worker by the age of 30.

AT 4. Establish a correspondence between the sciences that study man in one aspect or another and their brief description.


    Pedagogy A) science, about the most general laws of development of nature, society and consciousness.

    Philosophy B) a science that studies the chemical substances that make up organisms.

    Biochemistry B) the science of education and training.

AT 5. Below are the names of public figures in Russia in the 19th century. All of them, with the exception of one, belong to the Slavophiles.

A.S. Khomyakov, K.S. Aksakov, T.N. Granovsky, I.V. Kireyevsky.

Find and indicate a term that falls out of the general series.


Read the text and complete tasks C1 – C4.

T. Hobbes “Leviathan, or Matter, the form and power of the state, ecclesiastical and civil.”

“In the absence of a civil state, there is always a war of all against all. From this it is obvious that as long as people live without a common power that keeps everyone in fear, they are in that state called war, namely in a state of war of all against all. For war is not only a battle, or military action, but a period of time during which the will to fight through battle is clearly manifested.

The state of war of all against all is also characterized by the fact that in it nothing can be unfair. The concepts of right and wrong, fair and unfair have no place here. Where there is no common power, there is no law, and where there is no law, there is no justice. Strength and cunning are the two cardinal virtues in war. This state is also characterized by the absence of property, possession, the absence of a precise distinction between mine and yours. Each person considers his own only what he can get, and only as long as he is able to keep it.

The purpose of the state is mainly to ensure security. The ultimate reason, purpose or intention of men (some by nature love freedom and dominion over others) in imposing upon themselves the bonds (by which they are bound while living in a state) is the concern for self-preservation and, at the same time, for a more favorable life. In other words, in establishing a state, people are guided by the desire to get rid of the disastrous state of war, which is the necessary consequence of the natural passions of people where there is no visible authority, keeping them at bay under the threat of punishment, forcing them to fulfill agreements and observe natural laws.

Such a common power, which would be capable of protecting people from the invasion of foreigners and from injustices inflicted on each other and providing them with that security in which they could feed from the labor of their hands and from the fruits of the earth and live in contentment, can only be erected by one way, namely by concentrating all power and strength in one person or in an assembly of people, which, by a majority vote, could bring all the wills of citizens into a single will. In this person or collection of persons lies the essence of the state, which needs the following definition: the state is a single person, for whose actions a huge number of people have made themselves responsible through a mutual agreement among themselves, so that this person can use the power and means of all of them so as he deems necessary for their peace and common defense.”

C1. What is the name of the theory of the origin of the state, the foundations of which are expressed in the text?

C2. How are the concepts “war against everyone”, “state”, “civil state”, “power” related?

C3. Why does Hobbes use the concept of “single person” in defining the essence of the state? What essential aspect of the functioning of the state did the philosopher define using this figurative expression?

C4. Explain which function of the state is more important: 1) maintaining justice, 2) maintaining peace, 3) coordinating the interests of the population, 4) developing private initiative.

Test No. 1 on the topic “Social and humanitarian knowledge and professional activity.”

Grade 10. Profile level. Key to tests

Option 1.

A1-3; A2-2; A3-3; A4-4; A5-2; A6-3; A7-2; A8-2; A9-1; A10-2; A11-2; A12-3; A13-4; A15-4; A16-1; A17-1; A18-4; A19-1; A20-4.

B1 - ancient Indian;

B2-1-private property,


3- private initiative.



B5- dao

Option 2.

A1-1; A2-2; A3-4; A5-3; A6-1; A7-1; A8-3; A9-2; A10-1; A11-3; A12-2; A13-1; A14- 3; A15- 3; A16-2; A17-4; A18-3; A19-3; A20-2.

B1 - biological, personality, social;


V3- 1AG2BV;



Option 3.

A1-1; A2-3; A3-2; A4-3; A5-1; A6-2; A7-2; A8-2; A9-1; A10-3; A11-2; A12-2; A13-3; A14-1; A15-2; A16-3; A17-1; A18-1; A19-2; A20-4. being

2. material

3. productive forces.

B2- Lenin

В3- 1В2А3Б

V4- 1BV2AG

B5- Confucius.

Option 4.

A1-2; A2-2; A3-3; A4-3; A5-2; A6-3; A7-1; A8-2; A9-3; A10-4; A11-3; A12-2; A13-3; A14-1; A15-2; A16-3; A17- 2; A18-3; A19-1; A20-1.


B2- 2. Western civilization

3. Slavic world.

V3- 1AG2BV

В4- 1В2А3Б

B5- Granovsky.

1) Indicate which economist introduced the concept of the “Invisible Hand” of the market. 1. A. Smith 2. W. Petty 3. T. Hobbes 4. F. Bacon

2) Generation change is

1. Objective factor of social progress

2. a process that ensures continuity in the development of the human race

3. the process of joint activities of adults and youth to change conditional life

4.all of the above

3) In accordance with the Convention on the Rights of the Child, a child is considered a person under the age of:

4) Indicate which of the following refers to the type of spiritual culture.

1. Political culture

2. Technical culture

3. Economic culture

4. Culture of material production

5) Which Russian writer said: “Three wonderful sisters - sculptor, painting and music - decorate and delight the world, without them it would be a desert”?

1. F.M. Dostoevsky

2. A.S. Pushkin

3. N.V. Gogol

4. A.P. Chekhov

7) Name the main spheres of society.





9) The following types of spiritual culture do NOT include culture:

1. moral

2. scientific

3. legal

4. technical

A) Allows the activities of the opposition

B) Establishes control over the main areas of life

1. Only A is correct

2. Only B is correct

3. Both options are correct

4. Both options are wrong

Who. 1 person did it like this:
- who is standing next to you? (he asked God on the RIGHT)
- the god of truth (he answered
-who are you (asked the middle god)
-god of diplomacy (answered by MEDIUM)
-who is standing next to you (asked the man to God on the RIGHT)
-god of lies (he answered)
- well, everything is clear


Conciliarity means the combination of unity and freedom of many individuals based on their common love for God and all absolute values. It is easy to see that the principle conciliarity is of great importance not only for church life, but also for resolving many issues in the spirit of a synthesis of individualism and universalism. Many Russian philosophers have already begun to apply the principle conciliarity when considering various issues of spiritual and social life...
Many Russian religious philosophers are interested in the question of the essence of the historical process. They criticize positivist theories and point out the impossibility of implementing a perfect social system in the conditions of earthly existence. Every social system produces only partial improvements and at the same time contains new shortcomings and opportunities for abuse. The sad experience of history shows that the entire historical process comes down only to preparing humanity for the transition from history to meta-stories, i.e., the “life to come” in the Kingdom of God. An essential condition for perfection in that kingdom is the transformation of soul and body or deification by the grace of God...
Dialectical materialism is the only philosophy that is allowed in the USSR... As soon as Russia is freed from the communist dictatorship and receives freedom of thought, then in it, as in any other free and civilized country, numerous different philosophical schools will arise. Russian philosophy contains many valuable ideas not only in the field of religion, but also in the field of epistemology, metaphysics and ethics. Acquaintance with these ideas will be useful for human culture.
Questions and tasks: 1) How does the philosopher interpret the concept of conciliarity? 2) Why do Russian religious philosophers deny the possibility of creating an ideal social system? 3) How does N. O. Lossky assess the importance of Russian philosophy for world culture?

Sometimes novice entrepreneurs fail in their attempts to organize a profitable business. It may turn out that their proposals do not suit the market

either in quality, or in content, or there are much more similar proposals than the need for them. Sometimes ideas and inventions that seem quite innovative do not resonate with people because their use does not simplify, but, on the contrary, complicates life. The telegraph, as you know, appeared long before the telephone and quickly became a popular means of transmitting information. but few people know that in the 19th century there was an attempt to make a business in the trade of telegraph devices, promoting them to the market as devices for personal household use. Such a business did not take place, since each buyer of the device had to learn Morse code and acquire communication skills in this “non-human language.” Engineer Bell, seeing that society needed a means of communication, soon invented the telephone, providing a simple and natural way for people to communicate. With the use of the telephone, the communications business began to expand rapidly.

“Nothing strikes my imagination more than the starry sky above my head and the moral law within me.”

I. Kant

In his memoirs, Academician N. Roerich says: in his youth, as an aspiring artist, he came to L.N. Tolstoy and with trepidation showed him a photograph of his first large painting. In the picture, a messenger in a boat was crossing the river, heading to an ancient Slavic settlement with the news that “generation after generation has risen.” The writer looked at the photograph for a long time. Then he asked:

Have you ever crossed a fast river in a boat? That's what I see: it didn't happen. You must edit above the place where you need it, otherwise it will blow away.

After a pause, he said quietly, as if to himself:

Likewise, in the area of ​​moral requirements, one must always steer higher: life will blow away. These words came back to me when I was thinking: is it worth writing about how I imagine the school of the future? Maybe there is no need to look ahead - life itself will bring you to the shore? No, it is necessary. Education has one very interesting feature: what is implanted in the soul of the pupil today through the efforts and will of the educator, gives its results not tomorrow or the day after tomorrow, but in ten, twenty, five or ten years. More than anyone else, we, teachers, work for the future. What does the school of the future consist of? The first is the teacher as the most important educational force.

And childhood, the children's world, is a special world. Children live by their own ideas about good and evil, honor and dishonor, human dignity; They have their own criteria of beauty, they even have their own measurement of time: during childhood, a day seems like a year, and a year seems like an eternity. Having access to the fairy-tale palace whose name is Childhood, I have always considered it necessary to become, to some extent, a child. Only under this condition will children not look at you as a person who accidentally entered the gates of their fairy-tale world, as a watchman guarding this world, a watchman who is indifferent to what is happening inside this world.

V. A. Sukhomlinsky

About Me

Romanova Lyubov Mikhailovna. Teacher of history and social studies. Higher education (KazSPI)

Books that shaped my inner world

Domestic and foreign classics: V. Hugo “Les Miserables”, C. Bronte “Jane Eyre”, all the works of A.P. Chekhov (especially “Late Flowers”).

In scientific literature, the works of academician V. Levy: “The Art of Being Yourself” and others. I advise my students of middle and older adolescence to read Levy’s books, in them, in an accessible and fascinating form, the author helps us all overcome many problems in life, gives valuable psychological advice and offers training.

My view of the world

"Life is not as bad as we think and not as good as we think."

My achievements

My portfolio

“If a profession becomes a way of life, then a craft turns into an art.” Shevelev I.

By participating in the site, I hope to pass on my work experience to everyone who is interested in it. I have developed programs for preparing high school students for the Unified State Exam. Analyzing the mistakes made by my students when preparing for the Unified State Exam in history, I came to the conclusion that one of the topics they poorly mastered was the culture of various periods of history. Therefore, I have developed methodological recommendations with practical tasks in this area. As a result of the preparation, my graduates have higher results in the city. Also, every year they become winners and prize-winners of city and regional Olympiads.

Over the period of many years of work in the city Olympiad commission, I was able to track typical mistakes and gaps in students’ knowledge and systematize the work on preparing for Olympiads in history and social studies.

I instill in my students an active lifestyle and they participate in various competitions. Based on a generalization of work experience, I developed the project “Formation of a system of value orientations of students” (in the appendix to it is the Program of elective courses in social studies and methodological development of classes).

My publications:

Test tasks in history in the collection of tasks of the Interuniversity Preparatory Department of St. Petersburg

article "The role of games in the learning process"

article "Formation of a system of value orientations of students"